

15 Miscellaneous (5)

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5543 Intra-ocular pressure changes during maximal isometric contraction: does this reflect intra-cranial pressure or retinal venous pressure?
Dickerman RD; Smith GH; Langham-Roof L; McConathy WJ; East JW; Smith AB
Neurological Research 1999; 21: 243-246
5544 Microdialysis evaluation of the ocular pharmacokinetics of propranolol in the conscious rabbit
Rittenhouse KD; Peiffer RL Jr; Pollack GM
Pharmaceutical Research 1999; 16: 736-742
5545 The Bristol Shared Care Glaucoma Study: Reliability of community optometric and hospital eye service test measures
Spry PGD; Spencer IC; Sparrow JM; Peters TJ; Brookes ST; Gray S; Baker I; Furber JE; Easty DL
British Journal of Ophthalmology 1999; 83: 707-712
5546 Looking behind a pathological blind spot in human retina.
Tripathy SP; Levi DM
Vision Research 1999; 39: 1917-1925
5547 Cataract, glaucoma and season of birth amongst patients born on the Indian subcontinent.
Weale RA
Indian Journal of Ophthalmology 1998; 46: 211-215

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