

15 Miscellaneous (4)

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10026 Practice characteristics and HMO enrollee satisfaction with specialty care: an analysis of patients with glaucoma and diabetic retinopathy
Escarce JJ; Kapur K; Solomon MD; Mangione CM; Lee PP; Adams JL; Wickstrom SL; Quiter ES
Health Services Research 2003; 38: 1135-1155
10028 Primary open angle glaucoma: the need for a consensus case definition
Kroese M; Burton H
Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health 2003; 57: 752-754
10027 Asian Americans: glaucoma
Law SK
International Ophthalmology Clinics 2003; 43: 133-149
10024 Telemedicine in ophthalmology: a useful tool in store-and-forward counselling?
Lipke K; Koch F; Gümbel HOC
Klinische Monatsblätter für Augenheilkunde 2003; 699-703

Issue 5-3

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