

15 Miscellaneous (3)

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10746 Clinical trials on glaucoma: differences according to the medical or surgical nature of the treatment being evaluated
Martinez Sanz F; Llorca J; Prieto Salceda D; Farinas Alvarez C; Chinchon MV; Delgado Rodriguez M
Archivos de la Sociedad EspaƱola de Oftalmologia 2004; 79: 111-7
10768 Redundant publications in scientific ophthalmologic journals: the tip of the iceberg?
Mojon-Azzi SM; Jiang X; Wagner U; Mojon DS
Ophthalmology 2004; 111: 863-6
10874 Glaucoma case finding: a cluster-randomised intervention trial
Theodossiades J; Murdoch I; Cousens S
Eye 2004; 18: 483-90

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