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Classification #2.14
2.14 Optic disc
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2.14 Optic disc
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Synucleins in glaucoma: implication of gamma-synuclein in glaucomatous alterations in the optic nerve
Surgucheva I; McMahan B; Ahmed F; Tomarev S; Wax MB; Surguchov A
Journal of Neuroscience Research
2002; 68: 97-106
Expression of bone morphogenetic proteins (BMP), BMP receptors, and BMP associated proteins in human trabecular meshwork and optic nerve head cells and tissues
Wordinger RJ; Agarwal R; Talati M; Fuller J; Lambert W; Clark AF
Molecular Vision
2002; 8: 241-250
Assessment of optic disc anatomy and nerve fiber layer thickness in ocular hypertensive subjects with normal short-wavelength automated perimetry
Mistlberger A; Liebmann JM; Greenfield DS; Hoh ST; Ishikawa H; Marmor M; Ritch R
2002; 109: 1362-1366
Validity of a new disk grading scale for estimating glaucomatous damage: correlation with visual field damage
Bayer A; Harasymowycz P; Henderer JD; Steinmann WG; Spaeth GL
American Journal of Ophthalmology
2002; 133: 758-763
Topographical analysis of corneal astigmatism in patients with tilted-disc syndrome
Bozkurt B; Irkec M; Gedik S; Orhan M; Erdener U
2002; 21: 458-462
Optic disc cup slope and visual field indices in normal, ocular hypertensive and early glaucomatous eyes
Cullinane AB; Waldock A; Diamond JP; Sparrow JM
British Journal of Ophthalmology
2002; 86: 555-559
Anatomical correlations of intrinsic axon repair after partial optic nerve crush in rats
Hanke J
Annals of Anatomy
2002; 184: 113-123
Differential gene expression in astrocytes from human normal and glaucomatous optic nerve head analyzed by cDNA microarray
Hernandez MR; Agapova OA; Yang P; Salvador Silva M; Ricard CS; Aoi S
2002; 38: 45-64
The Heidelberg Retina Tomograph versus clinical impression in the diagnosis of glaucoma
Kesen MR; Spaeth GL; Henderer JD; Pereira MLM; Smith AF; Steinmann WC
American Journal of Ophthalmology
2002; 133: 613-616
Image of optic nerve disc with laser scanning tomography and results of static perimetry in children with juvenile glaucoma
Koraszewska Matuszewska B; Filipek E; Samochowiec Donocik E; Pieczara E; Dudzinski A
Klinika Oczna
2002; 104: 37-40
Morphometry of the glaucomatous optic disc using an optical coherence tomography
Kumagami T; Saitoh A; Kinoshita A; Otani N; Kubota S; Amemiya T
Japanese Journal of Clinical Ophthalmology
2002; 56: 321-324
Intraobserver and interobserver reproducibility in the evaluation of optic disc stereometric parameters by Heidelberg Retina Tomograph
Miglior S; Albe E; Guareschi M; Rossetti L; Orzalesi N
2002; 109: 1072-1077
Cup-to-disc ratio asymmetry: diagnostic value in glaucoma
Polo Llorens V; Larrosa Poves JM; Pablo Julvez LE; Pinilla Lozano I; Marcuello Melendo B; Fernandez Larripa S; Honrubia Lopez FM
Archivos de la Sociedad EspaƱola de Oftalmologia
2002; 77: 17-22
The Autocad system for planimetric study of the optic disc in glaucoma: technique and reproducibility study
Sanchez Perez A; Honrubia Lopez FM; Larrosa Poves JM; Polo Llorens V; Melcon Sanchez Frieras B
Archivos de la Sociedad EspaƱola de Oftalmologia
2001; 76: 551-558
Variables affecting test-retest variability of Heidelberg Retina Tomograph II stereometric parameters
Sihota R; Gulati V; Agarwal HC; Saxena R; Sharma A; Pandey RM
Journal of Glaucoma
2002; 11: 321-328
Reproducibility of optic disc parameters acquisition in Heidelberg retina tomograph intraobserver and interobserver agreement in measurement of topometric data
Wang W; Chen X
Chinese Ophthalmic Research
2002; 20: 173-175
A morphological study of neuroretinal rim for different types of optic disc in normal eyes and early glaucoma
Xu L; Xia C; Yang H
Chinese Journal of Ophthalmology
2002; 38: 325-328
Expression of bFGF in the optic nerve of rat after injuries
Yuan H; Liu S; He X
Chinese Ophthalmic Research
2002; 20: 132-134
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