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Classification #2.14
2.14 Optic disc
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2.14 Optic disc
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Ganglion cell axon pathfinding in the retina and optic nerve
Oster SF; Deiner M; Birgbauer E; Sretavan DW
Seminars in Cell and Developmental Biology
2004; 15: 125-136
Effect of scan repetition on the reproducibility of optic nerve head topographic measurements with the Top SS
Akar Y; Bozkurt B; Grkec M; Orhan M; Karaagaoglu E
Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology
2004; 32: 142-146
Major determinants of optic nerve head topographic characteristics in a normal Turkish population
Akar Y; Orhan M; Irkec M; Karaagaoglu E
Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology
2004; 32: 9-13
The distribution of cup disc ratios in a general population of Southern Togo aged 40 years and over
Balo KP; Anika A; Banla M; Agla K; Djagnikpo PA; Koffi Gue KB
Journal Français d'Ophtalmologie
2004; 27: 250-255
The distributions of mitochondria and sodium channels reflect the specific energy requirements and conduction properties of the human optic nerve head
Barron MJ; Griffiths P; Turnbull DM; Bates D; Nichols P
British Journal of Ophthalmology
2004; 88: 286-290
The optic disc hemifield test
Jonas JB; Budde WM; Martus P
Journal of Glaucoma
2004; 13: 108-113
Correlations between retinal thickness analyzer (RTA) and confocal scanning laser tomography (HRT) in optic disc analysis
Martinez De La Casa JM; Garcia Feijoo J; Castillo Gomez A; Garcia Sanchez J
Archivos de la Sociedad Española de Oftalmologia
2004; 79: 21-25
Identifying early glaucoma with optical coherence tomography
Nouri-Mahdavi K; Hoffman D; Tannenbaum DP; Law SK; Caprioli J
American Journal of Ophthalmology
2004; 137: 228-235
Responses and signaling pathways in human optic nerve head astrocytes exposed to hydrostatic pressure in vitro
Salvador-Silva M; Aoi S; Parker A; Yang P; Pecen P; Hernandez MR
2004; 45: 364-377
Magnification changes in scanning laser tomography
Tan JC; Poinoosawmy D; Fitzke FW; Hitchings RA
Journal of Glaucoma
2004; 13: 137-141
Alterations in the morphology of lamina cribrosa pores in glaucomatous eyes
Tezel G; Trinkaus K; Wax MB
British Journal of Ophthalmology
2004; 88: 251-256
DNA microarray analysis of gene expression in human optic nerve head astrocytes in response to hydrostatic pressure
Yang P; Agapova O; Parker A; Shannon W; Pecen P; Duncan J; Salvador-Silva M; Hernandez MR
Physiol Genomics
2004; 17:157-69
Racial differences in optic disc topography: baseline results from the confocal scanning laser ophthalmoscopy ancillary study to the ocular hypertension treatment study
Zangwill LM; Weinreb RN; Berry CC; Smith AR; Dirkes KA; Coleman AL; Piltz-Seymour JR; Liebmann JM; Cioffi GA; Trick G
Archives of Ophthalmology
2004; 122: 22-28
The confocal scanning laser ophthalmoscopy ancillary study to the ocular hypertension treatment study: study design and baseline factors
Zangwill LM; Weinreb RN; Berry CC; Smith AR; Dirkes KA; Liebmann JM; Brandt JD; Trick G; Cioffi GA; Coleman AL
American Journal of Ophthalmology
2004; 137: 219-227
Influence of ciliary-retinal arteries on functional damage in open-angle glaucoma
Budde WM; Jonas JB
2003; 100: 1067-1070
Serial topographic changes at the optic disc in normal-tension glaucoma viewed with scanning laser tomography
Kato A; Sugiyama K; Kono Y; Uchida H; Tomita G; Yamamoto T
Nippon Ganka Gakkai Zasshi
2003; 107): 597-601
Tracking the optic nervehead in OCT video using dual eigenspaces and an adaptive vascular distribution model
Koozekanani D; Boyer KL; Roberts C
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging
2003; 22: 1519-1536
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