

2.15 Optic nerve (3)

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Display all abstracts in classification 2.15 Optic nerve

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10267 Demonstration of systematic variation in human intraorbital optic nerve size by quantitative magnetic resonance imaging and histology
Karim S; Clark RA; Poukens V; Demer JL
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 2004; 45: 1047-1051
10510 Effects of axonal injury on ganglion cell survival and glutamate homeostasis
Vorwerk CK; Zurakowski D; McDermott LM; Mawrin C; Dreyer EB
Brain Research Bulletin 2004; 62: 485-490
10268 Optic nerve ligation leads to astrocyte-associated matrix metalloproteinase-9 induction in the mouse retina
Zhang X; Cheng M; Chintala SK
Neuroscience Letters 2004; 356: 140-144

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