

2.2 Cornea (18)

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27760 Correlations between Parameters of Aqueous Humor Dynamics and the Influence of Central Corneal Thickness
Gulati V; Ghate DA; Camras CB; Toris CB
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 2011; 52: 920-926
27705 Assessment of central corneal thickness using OCT, ultrasound, optical low coherence reflectometry and Scheimpflug pachymetry
Beutelspacher SC; Serbecic N; Scheuerle AF
European Journal of Ophthalmology 2011; 21: 132-137
28138 Central corneal thickness in black Cameroonian ocular hypertensive and glaucomatous subjects
Noche CD; Eballe AO; Bella AL
Clinical Ophthalmology 2010; 4: 1371-1377
27867 Effect of glucose on the stress-strain behavior of ex-vivo rabbit cornea
Ni S; Yu J; Bao F; Li J; Elsheikh A; Wang Q
Experimental Eye Research 2011; 92:353-360
27747 Relationship of Central Corneal Thickness with Optic Disc Parameters: The Singapore Malay Eye Study
Wu R-Y; Zheng Y-F; Wong T-Y; Cheung CY-L; Loon S-C; Chauhan BC; Aung T
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 2011; 52: 1320-1324
28038 Collagen-related genes influence the glaucoma risk factor, central corneal thickness
Vithana EN; Aung T; Khor CC; Cornes BK; Tay W-T; Sim X; Lavanya R; Wu R; Zheng Y; Hibberd ML
Human Molecular Genetics 2011; 20: 649-658
27700 Comparation of the new rebound tonometer IOPen and the Goldmann tonometer, and their relationship to corneal properties
Moreno-Montañés J; Gosende I; Caire J; García-Granero M
Eye 2011; 25: 50-56
27785 Poor utility of intraocular pressure correction formulae in individual glaucoma and glaucoma suspect patients
Ang GS; Nicholas S; Wells AP
Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology 2011; 39: 111–118
27719 Corneal biomechanics measured with the ocular response analyser in patients with unilateral open-angle glaucoma
Hirneiss C; Neubauer AS; Yu A; Kampik A; Kernt M
Acta Ophthalmologica 2011; 89: 189-192
27790 Aqueous Humor Dynamics During the Day and Night in Healthy Mature Volunteers
Liu H; Fan S; Gulati V; Camras L J; Zhan G; Ghate D; Camras CB; Toris CB
Archives of Ophthalmology 2011; 129: 269-275
27890 The effect of central corneal thickness on tonometry
Bohm AG
Klinische Monatsblätter für Augenheilkunde 2011; 228: 114-117
28075 Central corneal thickness and anterior scleral thickness in korean patients with open-angle glaucoma: An anterior segment optical coherence tomography study
Yoo C; Eom YS; Suh Y-W; Kim YY
Journal of Glaucoma 2011; 20: 95-99
28009 Central corneal thickness as a predictor of visual field loss in primary open angle glaucoma for a hispanic population
Fernandez-Bahamonde JL; Roman-Rodriguez C; Fernandez-Ruiz MC
Seminars in Ophthalmology 2011; 26: 28-32
28113 Long-term effect of latanoprost on central corneal thickness in normal tension glaucoma
Kim HJ; Cho BJ
Journal of Ocular Pharmacology and Therapeutics 2011; 27: 73-76
27972 The association of meibomian gland dysfunction and other common ocular diseases with dry eye: A population-based study in Spain
Viso E; Gude F; Rodriguez-Ares MT
Cornea 2011; 30: 1-6
27801 Acquired central corneal thickness increase following removal of childhood cataracts
Lim Z; Muir KW; Duncan L; Freedman SF
American Journal of Ophthalmology 2011; 151: 434-441
27810 Effect of glaucoma on corneal graft survival according to indication for penetrating keratoplasty
Stewart RMK; Jones MNA; Batterbury M; Tole D; Larkin DFP; Kaye SB
American Journal of Ophthalmology 2011; 151: 257-262
27969 Corneal endothelial morphology in eyes implanted with anterior chamber aqueous shunts
Hau S; Scott A; Bunce C; Barton K
Cornea 2011; 30: 50-55

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