

2.2 Cornea (3)

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10669 Corneal thickness in congenital glaucoma
Henriques MJ; Vessani RM; Reis FA; de Almeida GV; Betinjane AJ; Susanna R Jr
Journal of Glaucoma 2004; 3:185-188
10818 Central corneal thickness measurements with partial coherence interferometry, ultrasound, and the Orbscan system
Rainer G; Findl O; Petternel V; Kiss B; Drexler W; Skorpik C; Georgopoulos M; Schmetterer L
Ophthalmology 2004; 111: 875-9
10789 Corneal and conjunctival changes caused by commonly used glaucoma medications
Noecker RJ; Herrygers LA; Anwaruddin R
Cornea 2004; 23: 490-496

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