

2.5.1 Trabecular meshwork (7)

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Display all abstracts in classification 2.5.1 Trabecular meshwork

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20999 Increased expression of serum amyloid a in glaucoma and its effect on intraocular pressure
Wang WH; McNatt LG; Pang IH; Hellberg PE; Fingert JH; McCartney MD; Clark AF
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 2008; 49: 1916-1923
21060 Increased expression of the WNT antagonist sFRP-1 in glaucoma elevates intraocular pressure
Wang W-H; McNatt LG; Pang I-H; Millar JC; Hellberg PE; Hellberg MH; Steely HT; Rubin JS; Fingert JH; Sheffield VC
Journal of Clinical Investigation 2008; 118: 1056-1064
21028 Mitochondrial complex I defect induces ROS release and degeneration in trabecular meshwork cells of POAG patients: Protection by antioxidants
He Y; Leung KW; Zhang YH; Duan S; Zhong XF; Jiang RZ; Peng Z; Tombran-Tink J; Ge J
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 2008; 49: 1447-1458
21002 Gene expression profiles of human trabecular meshwork cells induced by triamcinolone and dexamethasone
Fan BJ; Wang DY; Tham CC; Lam DS; Pang CP
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 2008; 49: 1886-1897
20866 Extracellular matrix in the trabecular meshwork
Acott TS; Kelley MJ
Experimental Eye Research 2008; 86: 543-561
21380 Expression of nitrotyrosine and oxidative consequences in the trabecular meshwork of patients with primary open-angle glaucoma
Fernández-Durango R; Fernández-Martínez A; García-Feijoo J; Castillo A; de la Casa JM; García-Bueno B; Pérez-Nievas BG; Fernández-Cruz A; Leza JC
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 2008; 49: 2506-2511
21088 FK506-binding protein 51 regulates nuclear transport of the glucocorticoid receptor beta and glucocorticoid responsiveness
Zhang X; Clark AF; Yorio T
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 2008; 49: 1037-1047

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