

2.5.1 Trabecular meshwork (80)

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Display all abstracts in classification 2.5.1 Trabecular meshwork

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60509 The regulation of connective tissue growth factor expression influences the viability of human trabecular meshwork cells
Kuespert S
Journal of cellular and molecular medicine 2015; 19: 1010-1020
60716 Extracellular matrix in the trabecular meshwork: Intraocular pressure regulation and dysregulation in glaucoma
Vranka JA
Experimental Eye Research 2015; 133: 112-125
60073 Autophagic dysregulation in glaucomatous trabecular meshwork cells
Porter K
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 2015; 1852: 379-385
60496 Morphometry of the trabecular meshwork in vivo in a healthy population using fourier-domain optical coherence tomography
Fernández-Vigo JI
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 2015; 56: 1782-1788
60687 p38 MAP Kinase Inhibitor Suppresses Transforming Growth Factor-β2-Induced Type 1 Collagen Production in Trabecular Meshwork Cells
Inoue-Mochita M
PLoS ONE 2015; 10: e0120774
60364 Ethnic differences in trabecular meshwork height by optical coherence tomography
Chen RI
JAMA ophthalmology 2015; 133: 437-441
59875 The dysfunction of the trabecular meshwork during glaucoma course
Saccà SC
Journal of Cellular Physiology 2015; 230: 510-525
60132 Finite element analysis of the pressure-induced deformation of Schlemm's canal endothelial cells
Vargas-Pinto R
Biomechanics and modeling in mechanobiology 2015; 14: 851-863
60525 Mechanical analysis of rat trabecular meshwork
Huang J
Soft matter 2015; 11: 2857-2865
60528 A Novel Mgp-Cre Knock-in Mouse Reveals an Anti-calcification/anti-stiffness Candidate Gene in the Trabecular Meshwork and Scleral Peripapillary Region
Borras T
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 2015; 56: 2203-2214
60729 Mapping molecular differences and extracellular matrix gene expression in segmental outflow pathways of the human ocular trabecular meshwork
Vranka JA
PLoS ONE 2015; 10: e0122483
60504 Structural alterations during the course of glaucoma disease
Mardin CY
Ophthalmologe 2015; 112: 410-417
60640 Genomic and post-genomic effects of anti-glaucoma drugs preservatives in trabecular meshwork
Izzotti A
Mutation Research - Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis 2015; 772: 1-9
60104 RhoA GTPase-induced ocular hypertension in a rodent model is associated with increased fibrogenic activity in the trabecular meshwork
Pattabiraman PP
American Journal of Pathology 2015; 185: 496-512
60696 MicroRNAs that target RGS5
Banaei-Esfahani A
Iranian journal of basic medical sciences 2015; 18: 108-114
60437 Retinal and trabecular degeneration in glaucoma: New insights into pathogenesis and treatment
Denoyer A
Journal Français d'Ophtalmologie 2015; 38: 347-356
60379 Wnt inhibition induces persistent increases in intrinsic stiffness of human trabecular meshwork cells
Morgan JT
Experimental Eye Research 2015; 132: 174-178
60716 Extracellular matrix in the trabecular meshwork: Intraocular pressure regulation and dysregulation in glaucoma
Kelley MJ
Experimental Eye Research 2015; 133: 112-125
59875 The dysfunction of the trabecular meshwork during glaucoma course
Pulliero A
Journal of Cellular Physiology 2015; 230: 510-525
60504 Structural alterations during the course of glaucoma disease
Schlötzer-Schrehardt U
Ophthalmologe 2015; 112: 410-417
60640 Genomic and post-genomic effects of anti-glaucoma drugs preservatives in trabecular meshwork
La Maestra S
Mutation Research - Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis 2015; 772: 1-9
60687 p38 MAP Kinase Inhibitor Suppresses Transforming Growth Factor-β2-Induced Type 1 Collagen Production in Trabecular Meshwork Cells
Inoue T
PLoS ONE 2015; 10: e0120774
60509 The regulation of connective tissue growth factor expression influences the viability of human trabecular meshwork cells
Junglas B
Journal of cellular and molecular medicine 2015; 19: 1010-1020
60364 Ethnic differences in trabecular meshwork height by optical coherence tomography
Barbosa DT
JAMA ophthalmology 2015; 133: 437-441
60696 MicroRNAs that target RGS5
Moazzeni H
Iranian journal of basic medical sciences 2015; 18: 108-114

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