

2.5.1 Trabecular meshwork (12)

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12351 Cochlin deposits in the trabecular meshwork of the glaucomatous DBA/2J mouse
Bhattacharya SK; Annangudi SP; Salomon RG; Kuchtey RW; Peachey NS; Crabb JW
Experimental Eye Research 2005; 80: 741-744
12474 Pharmacological and functional characterization of endothelin receptors in bovine trabecular meshwork and ciliary muscle
Choritz L; Rosenthal R; Fromm M; Foerster MH; Thieme H
Ophthalmic Research 2005; 37: 179-187
12167 Dexamethasone alters F-actin architecture and promotes cross-linked actin network formation in human trabecular meshwork tissue
Clark AF; Brotchie D; Read AT; Hellberg P; English Wright S; Pang IH; Ethier CR; Grierson I
Cell Motility and the Cytoskeleton 2005; 60: 83-95
12352 Differential expression of the human chloride channel genes in the trabecular meshwork under stress conditions
Comes N; Gasull X; Gual A; Borras T
Experimental Eye Research 2005; 80: 801-813
12487 Primary trabecular meshwork cells incubated in human aqueous humor differ from cells incubated in serum supplements
Fautsch MP; Howell KG; Vrabel AM; Charlesworth MC; Muddiman DC; Johnson DH
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 2005; 46: 2848-2856
12436 Reconstitution of trabecular meshwork GAGs: influence of hyaluronic acid and chondroitin sulfate on flow rates
Knepper PA; Fadel JR; Miller AM; Goossens W; Choi J; Nolan MJ; Whitmer S
Journal of Glaucoma 2005; 14: 230-238
12206 Involvement of adenosine A2a receptor in intraocular pressure decrease induced by 2-(1-octyn-1-yl)adenosine or 2-(6-cyano-1-hexyn-1-yl) adenosine
Konno T; Murakami A; Uchibori T; Nagai A; Kogi K; Nakahata N
Journal of Pharmacological Sciences 2005; 97: 501-509
12258 Expression of aquaporin-1 in cultured human trabecular meshwork cells and significance
Peng J; Zhang H; Ouyang W
Chinese Ophthalmic Research 2005; 23: 158-161
12350 Stimulation of cannabinoid (CB1) and prostanoid (EP2) receptors opens BKCa channels and relaxes ocular trabecular meshwork
Stumpff F; Boxberger M; Krauss A; Rosenthal R; Meissner S; Choritz L; Wiederholt M; Thieme H
Experimental Eye Research 2005; 80: 697-708
12488 Changes in gene expression by trabecular meshwork cells in response to mechanical stretching
Vittal V; Rose A; Gregory KE; Kelley MJ; Acott TS
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 2005; 46:2857-2868
12520 CB2 cannabinoid receptors in trabecular meshwork cells mediate JWH015-induced enhancement of aqueous humor outflow facility
Zhong L; Geng L; Njie Y; Feng W; Song ZH
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 2005; 46: 1988-1992
12196 Induction of TGF-β1 on proliferation of Tenon's capsule fibroblasts and expression of connective tissue growth factor
Huang M; Guo H; Wu J; Chen J; Zhao S
Chinese Ophthalmic Research 2005; 23: 272-275

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