

2.5.1 Trabecular meshwork (5)

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Display all abstracts in classification 2.5.1 Trabecular meshwork

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13331 Cochlin and glaucoma: a mini-review
Bhattacharya SK; Peachey NS; Crabb JW
Visual Neuroscience 2005; 22: 605-613
13274 Induction of TGF-β1 in the trabecular meshwork under cyclic mechanical stress
Liton PB; Liu X; Challa P; Epstein DL; Gonzalez P
Journal of Cellular Physiology 2005; 205: 364-371
13285 The effect of C3 transgene expression on actin and cellular adhesions in cultured human trabecular meshwork cells and on outflow facility in organ cultured monkey eyes
Liu X; Hu Y; Filla MS; Gabelt BT; Peters DM; Brandt CR; Kaufman PL
Molecular Vision 2005; 11: 1112-1121
13286 Influnence of ET-1 on [Ca2+]i in cultured bovine trabecular meshwork cells in vitro
Lu H; Zhang D; Liu J
Journal of Xi’an Jiaotong University 2005; 26: 490-492
13384 Matrix GLA Protein Function in Human Trabecular Meshwork Cells: Inhibition of BMP2-Induced Calcification Process
Xue W; Wallin R; Olmsted-Davis EA; Borras T
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 2006; 47: 997-1007

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