

2.6 Aqueous humor dynamics (4)

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Display all abstracts in classification 2.6 Aqueous humor dynamics

Search within classification 2.6 Aqueous humor dynamics
5981 Aqueous outflow pathway imaging in the rabbit with fluorescein and indocyanine green
Roy S; Boldea R; Perez D; Curchod M; Mermoud A
Klinische Monatsblätter für Augenheilkunde 2000; 216: 305-308
5987 Chloride secretion by bovine ciliary epithelium: a model of aqueous humor formation
Do CW; To CH
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 2000; 41: 1853-1860
5988 Formation of the aqueous humor
Macknight AD; McLaughlin CW; Peart D; Purves RD; Carre DA; Civan MM
Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology 2000; 27: 100-106
5989 Assessment of ascorbate ocular disposition in the conscious rabbit: an approach using the microdialysis technique
Rittenhouse KD; Peiffer RL Jr; Pollack GM
Current Eye Research 2000; 20: 351-360

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