

2.6.2 Outflow (3)

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10078 Effects of TGF-β2 in perfused human eyes
Gottanka J; Chan D; Eichhorn M; Lutjen-Drecoll E; Ethier CR
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 2004; 45: 153-158
10280 Studies on the mechanism of action of timolol and on the effects of suppression and redirection of aqueous flow on outflow facility
Kiland JA; Gabelt BT; Kaufman PL
Experimental Eye Research 2004; 78: 639-651
10063 Functional and structural reversibility of H-7 effects on the conventional aqueous outflow pathway in monkeys
Sabanay I; Tian B; Gabelt BT; Geiger B; Kaufman PL
Experimental Eye Research 2004; 78: 137-150

Issue 6-1

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