
WGA Rescources

2.6.3 Compostion (7)

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59630 Central Corneal Thickness Correlates with Oxygen Levels in the Human Anterior Chamber Angle
Siegfried CJ; Shui YB; Bai F; Beebe DC
American Journal of Ophthalmology 2015; 159: 457-62.e1
59249 The blood-aqueous barrier in health and disease
Coca-Prados M
Journal of Glaucoma 2014; 23: S36-8
58747 Sphingolipids and ceramides of mouse aqueous humor: Comparative profiles from normotensive and hypertensive DBA/2J mice
Edwards G; Aribindi K; Guerra Y; Bhattacharya SK
Biochimie 2014; 105: 99-109
59640 Nitric oxide levels in the aqueous humor vary in different ocular hypertension experimental models
Lu DW; Chen YH; Chang CJ; Chiang CH; Yao HY
The Kaohsiung Journal of Medical Sciences 2014; 30: 593-598
59534 A case of phacolytic glaucoma with anterior lens capsule disruption identified by scanning electron microscopy
Yoo WS; Kim BJ; Chung IY; Seo SW; Yoo JM; Kim SJ
BMC Ophthalmology 2014; 14: 133
59352 Study of free radicals in aqueous humor in glaucoma and cataracts: differences in presence or absence of diabetes mellitus and neovascular glaucoma
Oshida E; Arai K; Sakai M; Chikuda M
Nippon Ganka Gakkai Zasshi 2014; 118: 759-767
58756 Aqueous humor erythropoietin levels in open-angle glaucoma patients with and without TTR V30M familial amyloid polyneuropathy
Beirão JM; Moreira LM; Oliveira JC; Menéres MJ; Pessoa BB; Matos ME; Costa PP; Torres PA; Beirão IB
Molecular Vision 2014; 20: 970-976

Issue 16-3

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