

2.6.3 Compostion (35)

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66705 Oxidant/antioxidant balance in the aqueous humor of patients with glaucoma
Ergan E
International Journal of Ophthalmology 2016; 9: 249-252
67546 Simultaneous determination of timolol maleate in combination with some other anti-glaucoma drugs in rabbit aqueous humor by high performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectroscopy
Hassib ST
Journal of Chromatography. B. Analyt Technol Biomed Life Sciences 2016; 1022: 109-117
66712 Biomarkers of lipid peroxidation in the aqueous humor of primary open-angle glaucoma patients
Hernández-Martínez FJ
Archivos de la Sociedad Española de Oftalmologia 2016; 91: 357-362
67499 Correlation of Aqueous Humor Lysyl Oxidase Activity with TGF-ß Levels and LOXL1 Genotype in Pseudoexfoliation
Gayathri R
Current Eye Research 2016; 0: 1-8
67167 MicroRNA Profiling in Aqueous Humor of Individual Human Eyes by Next-Generation Sequencing
Wecker T
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 2016; 57: 1706-1713
67499 Correlation of Aqueous Humor Lysyl Oxidase Activity with TGF-ß Levels and LOXL1 Genotype in Pseudoexfoliation
Coral K
Current Eye Research 2016; 0: 1-8
66712 Biomarkers of lipid peroxidation in the aqueous humor of primary open-angle glaucoma patients
Piñas-García P
Archivos de la Sociedad Española de Oftalmologia 2016; 91: 357-362
66705 Oxidant/antioxidant balance in the aqueous humor of patients with glaucoma
Ozturk F
International Journal of Ophthalmology 2016; 9: 249-252
67546 Simultaneous determination of timolol maleate in combination with some other anti-glaucoma drugs in rabbit aqueous humor by high performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectroscopy
Elkady EF
Journal of Chromatography. B. Analyt Technol Biomed Life Sciences 2016; 1022: 109-117
67167 MicroRNA Profiling in Aqueous Humor of Individual Human Eyes by Next-Generation Sequencing
Hoffmeier K
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 2016; 57: 1706-1713
67546 Simultaneous determination of timolol maleate in combination with some other anti-glaucoma drugs in rabbit aqueous humor by high performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectroscopy
Sayed RM
Journal of Chromatography. B. Analyt Technol Biomed Life Sciences 2016; 1022: 109-117
67167 MicroRNA Profiling in Aqueous Humor of Individual Human Eyes by Next-Generation Sequencing
Plötner A
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 2016; 57: 1706-1713
66712 Biomarkers of lipid peroxidation in the aqueous humor of primary open-angle glaucoma patients
Lleó-Pérez AV
Archivos de la Sociedad Española de Oftalmologia 2016; 91: 357-362
67499 Correlation of Aqueous Humor Lysyl Oxidase Activity with TGF-ß Levels and LOXL1 Genotype in Pseudoexfoliation
Sharmila F
Current Eye Research 2016; 0: 1-8
66705 Oxidant/antioxidant balance in the aqueous humor of patients with glaucoma
Beyazyildiz E
International Journal of Ophthalmology 2016; 9: 249-252
67167 MicroRNA Profiling in Aqueous Humor of Individual Human Eyes by Next-Generation Sequencing
Grüning BA
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 2016; 57: 1706-1713
67499 Correlation of Aqueous Humor Lysyl Oxidase Activity with TGF-ß Levels and LOXL1 Genotype in Pseudoexfoliation
Sripriya S
Current Eye Research 2016; 0: 1-8
66712 Biomarkers of lipid peroxidation in the aqueous humor of primary open-angle glaucoma patients
Zanón-Moreno VC
Archivos de la Sociedad Española de Oftalmologia 2016; 91: 357-362
66705 Oxidant/antioxidant balance in the aqueous humor of patients with glaucoma
Elgin U
International Journal of Ophthalmology 2016; 9: 249-252
66712 Biomarkers of lipid peroxidation in the aqueous humor of primary open-angle glaucoma patients
Bendala-Tufanisco E
Archivos de la Sociedad Española de Oftalmologia 2016; 91: 357-362
67499 Correlation of Aqueous Humor Lysyl Oxidase Activity with TGF-ß Levels and LOXL1 Genotype in Pseudoexfoliation
Sripriya K
Current Eye Research 2016; 0: 1-8
66705 Oxidant/antioxidant balance in the aqueous humor of patients with glaucoma
Sen E
International Journal of Ophthalmology 2016; 9: 249-252
67167 MicroRNA Profiling in Aqueous Humor of Individual Human Eyes by Next-Generation Sequencing
Horres R
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 2016; 57: 1706-1713
66705 Oxidant/antioxidant balance in the aqueous humor of patients with glaucoma
Cankaya AB
International Journal of Ophthalmology 2016; 9: 249-252
66712 Biomarkers of lipid peroxidation in the aqueous humor of primary open-angle glaucoma patients
García-Medina JJ
Archivos de la Sociedad Española de Oftalmologia 2016; 91: 357-362

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