

2.6.3 Compostion (4)

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17052 Does the aqueous humor have a role in mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) intracellular signaling in Glaucoma?
Beit-Yannai E; Shmulevich A
Medical Hypotheses 2007; 68: 299-302
16815 Morphine-stimulated nitric oxide release in rabbit aqueous humor
Dortch-Carnes J; Russell K
Experimental Eye Research 2007; 84: 185-190
16872 Aqueous humor and serum concentration of hydroxyproline in pseudoexfoliation syndrome
Yagci R; Ersöz I; Aydin B; Beyaz E; Gürel A; Durmus M; Duman S
Journal of Glaucoma 2007; 16: 225-229
17032 Increased levels of transforming growth factor-β1 and -β2 in the aqueous humor of patients with neovascular glaucoma
Yu X-B; Sun X-H; Dahan E; Guo W-Y; Qian S-H; Meng F-R; Song Y-L; Simon GJB
Ophthalmic Surgery Lasers and Imaging 2007; 38: 6-14

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