

3.3 Immunohistochemistry (5)

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27576 Qualitative and quantitative morphologic changes in the vasculature and extracellular matrix of the prelaminar optic nerve head in eyes with POAG
Tektas OY; Lutjen-Drecoll E; Scholz M
Investigative ophthalmology & visual science 2010; 51: 5083-5091
27115 Cross-linked actin networks (CLANs) are present in lamina cribrosa cells
Job R; Raja V; Grierson I; Currie L; O'Reilly S; Pollock N; Knight E; Clark AF
British Journal of Ophthalmology 2010; 94: 1388-1392
26958 Glaucomatous tissue stress and the regulation of immune response through glial Toll-like receptor signaling.
Luo C; Yang X; Kain AD; Powell DW; Kuehn MH; Tezel G
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 2010; 51: 5697-5707
27315 Hypoxia inducible factor-1(alpha) (HIF-1(alpha)) and some HIF-1 target genes are elevated in experimental glaucoma
Ergorul C; Ray A; Huang W; Wang DY; Ben Y; Cantuti-Castelvetri I; Grosskreutz CL
Journal of Molecular Neuroscience 2010; 42: 183-191
27572 Regulation of Tenon's capsule fibroblast cell proliferation by the opioid growth factor and the opioid growth factor receptor axis
Klocek MS; Sassani JW; Donahue RN; McLaughlin PJ; Zagon IS
Investigative ophthalmology & visual science 2010; 51: 5054-5061

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