

3.4.1 Linkage studies (6)

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9715 Evaluation of optineurin sequence variations in 1048 patients with open-angle glaucoma
Alward WL; Kwon YH; Kawase K; Craig JE; Hayreh SS; Johnson AT; Khanna CL; Yamamoto T; Mackey DA; Roos BR
American Journal of Ophthalmology 2003; 136: 904-910
9711 Clinical homogeneity and genetic heterogeneity in Weill-Marchesani syndrome
Faivre L; Dollfus H; Lyonnet S; Alembik Y; Megarbane A; Samples J; Gorlin RJ; Alswaid A; Feingold J; Le Merrer M
American Journal of Medical Genetics 2003; 123 A: 204-207
9709 Association of interleukin 1 and receptor antagonist gene polymorphisms with primary open-angle glaucoma
Hui-Ju Lina; San-Chang Tsaia; Fuu-Jen Tsaib; Wen-Chi Chenb; Tsaic JJP; Cheng-Der Hsub
Ophthalmologica 2003; 217: 358-364
9716 Mutational analysis of the myocilin gene in patients with primary open-angle glaucoma in Morocco
Melki R; Idhajji A; Driouiche S; Hassani MI; Boukabboucha A; Akhayat O; Garchon HJ; Belmouden A
Ophthalmic Genetics 2003; 24: 153-160
9712 Identification of a dominant negative homeodomain mutation in Rieger syndrome
Saadi I; Semina EV; Amend BA; Harris DJ; Murphy KP; Murray JC; Russo AF
Journal of Biological Chemistry 2001; 276: 23034-23041
9713 Insulin-like growth factor-II gene polymorphism is associated with primary open angle glaucoma
Tsai FJ; Lin HJ; Chen WC; Chen HY; Fan SS
Journal of Clinical Laboratory Analysis 2003; 17: 259-263

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