
WGA Rescources

3.5 Molecular biology incl. SiRNA (14)

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Display all abstracts in classification 3.5 Molecular biology incl. SiRNA

Search within classification 3.5 Molecular biology incl. SiRNA
52540 FOXC1 in human trabecular meshwork cells is involved in regulatory pathway that includes miR-204, MEIS2, and ITGβ1
Paylakhi SH; Moazzeni H; Yazdani S; Rassouli P; Arefian E; Jaberi E; Arash EH; Gilani AS; Fan JB; April C; Amin S; Suri F; Elahi E
Experimental Eye Research 2013; 111: 112-121
52881 Identification of proteins that interact with TANK binding kinase 1 and testing for mutations associated with glaucoma
Seo S; Solivan-Timpe F; Roos BR; Robin AL; Stone EM; Kwon YH; Alward WL; Fingert JH
Current Eye Research 2013; 38: 310-315
52427 Changes in retinal aquaporin-9 (AQP9) expression in glaucoma
Yang MH; Dibas A; Tyan YC
Bioscience reports 2013; 0:
52589 ANRIL: Molecular Mechanisms and Implications in Human Health
Congrains A; Kamide K; Ohishi M; Rakugi H
International journal of molecular sciences 2013; 14: 1278-1292
53143 The ubiquitin-proteasome system in retinal health and disease
Campello L; Esteve-Rudd J; Cuenca N; Martín-Nieto J
Molecular Neurobiology 2013; 47: 790-810
53085 Review: Epigenetic mechanisms in ocular disease
He S; Li X; Chan N; Hinton DR
Molecular Vision 2013; 19: 665-674
52501 Development of novel LOXL1 genotyping method and evaluation of LOXL1, APOE and MTHFR polymorphisms in exfoliation syndrome/glaucoma in a Greek population
Chiras D; Tzika K; Kokotas H; Oliveira SC; Grigoriadou M; Kastania A; Dima K; Stefaniotou M; Aspiotis M; Petersen MB; Kroupis C; Kitsos G
Molecular Vision 2013; 19: 1006-1016
52638 Protective effect of lipoic acid against oxidative stress is mediated by Keap1/Nrf2-dependent heme oxygenase-1 induction in the RGC-5 cellline
Koriyama Y; Nakayama Y; Matsugo S; Kato S
Brain Research 2013; 1499: 145-157
52543 Higher prevalence of myocilin mutations in advanced glaucoma in comparison with less advanced disease in an australasian disease registry
Souzeau E; Burdon KP; Dubowsky A; Grist S; Usher B; Fitzgerald JT; Crawford A; Hewitt AW; Goldberg I; Mills RA; Ruddle JB; Landers J; Mackey DA; Craig JE
Ophthalmology 2013; 120: 1135-1143
52711 Targeted overexpression of TGF-α in the corneal epithelium of adult transgenic mice induces changes in anterior segment morphology and activates noncanonical Wnt signaling
Yuan Y; Yeh LK; Liu H; Yamanaka O; Hardie WD; Kao WW; Liu CY
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 2013; 54: 1829-1837
53131 Expression Profiling in Glaucomatous Human Lamina Cribrosa Cells Based on Graph-clustering Approach
Luo D; Liu K; Zhu B; Xu X
Current Eye Research 2013; 38: 767-773
52708 A proteomics view of the molecular mechanisms and biomarkers of glaucomatous neurodegeneration
Tezel G
Progress in Retinal and Eye Research 2013; 35: 18-43
52439 Altered Expression of nNOS/NIDD in the Retina of a Glaucoma Model of DBA/2J Mice and the Intervention by nNOS Inhibition
Chen C; Xu Y; Zhu J; Zhang J; Hu N; Guan H
Journal of Molecular Neuroscience 2013; 51: 47-56
53065 Molecular mechanisms of retinal ganglion cell degeneration in glaucoma and future prospects for cell body and axonal protection
Munemasa Y; Kitaoka Y
Frontiers in cellular neuroscience 2012; 6: 60

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