

3.7 Biochemistry (18)

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59254 Lysyl oxidases in the trabecular meshwork
Wordinger RJ; Clark AF
Journal of Glaucoma 2014; 23: S55-8
59245 Biology of the extracellular matrix: an overview
Yue B
Journal of Glaucoma 2014; 23: S20-3
58951 Plasmalogens in the retina: From occurrence in retinal cell membranes to potential involvement in pathophysiology of retinal diseases
Saab S; Mazzocco J; Creuzot-Garcher CP; Bron AM; Bretillon L; Acar N
Biochimie 2014; 107: 58-65
58825 Elevated transforming growth factor β1 in plasma of primary open-angle glaucoma patients
Kuchtey J; Kunkel J; Burgess LG; Parks MB; Brantley MA; Kuchtey RW
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 2014; 55: 5291-5297
58861 Endothelin-1 levels and biomarkers of oxidative stress in glaucoma patients
López-Riquelme N; Villalba C; Tormo C; Belmonte A; Fernandez C; Torralba G; Hernández F
International Ophthalmology 2015; 35: 527-532
58947 Nitric oxide (NO): an emerging target for the treatment of glaucoma
Cavet ME; Vittitow JL; Impagnatiello F; Ongini E; Bastia E
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 2014; 55: 5005-5015
59056 Abnormal metal levels in the primary visual pathway of the DBA/2J mouse model of glaucoma
DeToma AS; Dengler-Crish CM; Deb A; Braymer JJ; Penner-Hahn JE; van der Schyf CJ; Lim MH; Crish SD
Biometals : an international journal on the role of metal ions in biology, biochemistry, and medicine 2014; 27: 1291-1301
58747 Sphingolipids and ceramides of mouse aqueous humor: Comparative profiles from normotensive and hypertensive DBA/2J mice
Edwards G; Aribindi K; Guerra Y; Bhattacharya SK
Biochimie 2014; 105: 99-109
59363 Oxidative stress in dry age-related macular degeneration and exfoliation syndrome
Chiras D; Kitsos G; Petersen MB; Skalidakis I; Kroupis C
Critical reviews in clinical laboratory sciences 2014; 0: 1-16
59246 Glycomics, extracellular matrix, and anti-glycan antibodies in exfoliation syndrome
Huflejt ME; Preiss JS; Thomson JE; Gils IM; Vuskovic MI
Journal of Glaucoma 2014; 23: S24-9
59167 Plasma homocysteine and genetic variants of homocysteine metabolism enzymes in patients from central Greece with primary open-angle glaucoma and pseudoexfoliation glaucoma
Zacharaki F; Hadjigeorgiou GM; Koliakos GG; Morrison MA; Tsezou A; Chatzoulis DZ; Almpanidou P; Topouridou K; Karabatsas CH; Pefkianaki M; DeAngelis MM; Tsironi EE
Clinical Ophthalmology 2014; 8: 1819-1825
59243 The composition of exfoliation material and the cells involved in its production
Zenkel M; Schlötzer-Schrehardt U
Journal of Glaucoma 2014; 23: S12-4
59199 Serum Levels of Omentin in Pseudoexfoliation Syndrome
Bucak YY; Tosun M; Simavli H; Onder HI; Erdurmuş M
Journal of Glaucoma 2016; 25: 145-148
59352 Study of free radicals in aqueous humor in glaucoma and cataracts: differences in presence or absence of diabetes mellitus and neovascular glaucoma
Oshida E; Arai K; Sakai M; Chikuda M
Nippon Ganka Gakkai Zasshi 2014; 118: 759-767
58756 Aqueous humor erythropoietin levels in open-angle glaucoma patients with and without TTR V30M familial amyloid polyneuropathy
Beirão JM; Moreira LM; Oliveira JC; Menéres MJ; Pessoa BB; Matos ME; Costa PP; Torres PA; Beirão IB
Molecular Vision 2014; 20: 970-976
59202 Hereditary Thrombophilic Factors in Glaucoma
Sekeroglu MA; Irkec M; Mocan MC; Orhan M
Journal of Glaucoma 2016; 25: 203-207
59247 Extracellular, stem cells and regenerative ophthalmology
Wang Y; Xie T
Journal of Glaucoma 2014; 23: S30-3
58739 Role of crystallins in ocular neuroprotection and axonal regeneration
Thanos S; Böhm MR; Meyer zu Hörste M; Prokosch-Willing V; Hennig M; Bauer D; Heiligenhaus A
Progress in Retinal and Eye Research 2014; 42: 145-161

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