

3.9 Pathophysiology (3)

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10891 Functional dichotomy: Glutathione and vitamin E in homeostasis relevant to primary open-angle glaucoma
Veach J
British Journal of Nutrition 2004; 91: 809-829
10903 Extracellular myocilin affects activity of human trabecular meshwork cells
Wentz Hunter K; Kubota R; Shen X; Yue BY
Journal of Cellular Physiology 2004; 2004: 45-52
10753 Evaluation of glutamate loss from damaged retinal cells of dogs with primary glaucoma
McIlnay TR; Gionfriddo JR; Dubielzig RR; Powell CC; Madl JE
American Journal of Veterinary Research 2004; 65: 776-786

Issue 6-2

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