

5 Experimental glaucoma; animal models (22)

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Display all abstracts in classification 5 Experimental glaucoma; animal models

Search within classification 5 Experimental glaucoma; animal models
3372 Foxe3 haploinsufficiency in mice: a model for Peters' anomaly
Ormestad M; Blixt Å; Churchill A; Martinsson T; Enerbäck S; Carlsson P
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 2002; 43: 1350-1357
3379 Vitreal glutamate concentration in monkeys with experimental glaucoma
Carter-Dawson L; Crawford MLJ; Harwerth RS; Smith III EL; Feldman R; Shen FF; Mitchell CK; Whitetree A
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 2002; 43: 2633-2637
3382 Retinal glutamate transporter changes in experimental glaucoma and after optic nerve transection in the rat
Martin KRG; Levkovitch Verbin H; Valenta D; Baumrind L; Pease ME; Quigley HA
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 2002; 43: 2236-2243
3384 Effect of reproductive status on intraocular pressure in cats
Ofri R; Shub N; Galin Z; Shemesh M; Shore LS
American Journal of Veterinary Research 2002; 63: 159-162
3385 The role of c-fos in cell death and regeneration of retinal ganglion cells
Oshitari T; Dezawa M; Okada S; Takano M; Negishi H; Horie H; Sawada H; Tokuhisa T; Adachi-Usami E
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 2002; 43: 2442-2449
3396 Peripapillary scleral thickness in perfusion-fixed normal monkey eyes
Downs JC; Blidner RA; Bellezza AJ; Thompson HW; Hart RT; Burgoyne CF
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 2002; 43: 2229-2235
3405 Identification of the mouse uveoscleral outflow pathway using fluorescent dextran
Lindsey JD; Weinreb RN
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 2002; 43: 2201-2205
3408 Molecular profiling and cellular localization of connexin isoforms in the rat ciliary epithelium
Coffey KL; Krushinsky A; Green CR; Donaldson PJ
Experimental Eye Research 2002; 75: 9-21
3411 Immunohistochemical staining and morphometric analysis of the monkey choroidal vasculature
Otsuji T; McLeod DS; Hansen B; Lutty G
Experimental Eye Research 2002; 75: 201-208
3429 Anatomical correlations of intrinsic axon repair after partial optic nerve crush in rats
Hanke J
Annals of Anatomy 2002; 184: 113-123
3441 C-fos and c-jun expressions in nitric oxide synthase immunoreactive neurons in the lateral geniculate nucleus of experimental glaucomatous rats
Wang X; Tay SSW; Ng YK
Experimental Brain Research 2002; 144: 365-372
3442 Intraocular production and release of nerve growth factor after iridectomy
Lambiase A; Bonini S; Manni L; Ghinelli E; Tirassa P; Rama P; Aloe L
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 2002; 43: 2334-2340
3444 Effect of hyaluronic acid on intraocular pressure in rats
Benozzi J; Nahum LP; Campanelli JL; Rosenstein RE
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 2002; 43: 2196-2200
3445 Protective effect of arachidonic acid on glutamate neurotoxicity in rat retinal ganglion cells
Kawasaki A; Ming-Hu Han; Ji-Ye Wei; Hirata K; Otori Y; Barnstable CJ
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 2002; 43: 1835-1842
3446 Intraocular distribution of 70-kDa dextran after subconjunctival injection in mice
Kim TW; Lindsey JD; Aihara M; Anthony TL; Weinreb RN
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 2002; 43: 1809-1816
3447 Diurnal rhythms in intraocular pressure, axial length, and choroidal thickness in a primate model of eye growth: the common marmoset
Nickla DL; Wildsoet CF; Troilo D
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 2002; 43: 2519-2528
3448 The effect of contrast and luminance on mfERG responses in a monkey model of glaucoma
Raz D; Seeliger MW; Geva AB; Percicot CL; Lambrou GN; Ofri R
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 2002; 43: 2027-2035
3449 Effects of dopamine on ciliary blood flow, aqueous production, and intraocular pressure in rabbits
Reitsamer HA; Kiel JW
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 2002; 43: 2697-2703
3450 Use of memantine in progressive glaucoma - Case report
Schröder A; Erb C
Klinische Monatsblätter für Augenheilkunde 2002; 219: 533-536
3451 Morphologic features of degeneration and cell death in the neurosensory retina in dogs with primary angle-closure glaucoma
Whiteman AL; Klauss G; Miller PE; Dubielzig RR
American Journal of Veterinary Research 2002; 63: 257-261
3452 Aquaporin deletion in mice reduces intraocular pressure and aqueous fluid production
Zhang D; Vetrivel L; Verkman AS
Journal of General Physiology 2002; 119: 561-569
3453 Mouse models of retinal ischemic tolerance
Zhu Y; Ohlemiller KK; McMahan BK; Gidday JM
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 2002; 43: 1903-1911

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