

5.1 Rodent (17)

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46430 Structural correlation between the nerve fiber layer and retinal ganglion cell loss in mice with targeted disruption of the Brn3b gene
Camp AS; Ruggeri M; Munguba GC; Tapia ML; John SW; Bhattacharya SK; Lee RK
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 2011; 52: 5226-5232
46433 Homocysteine-mediated modulation of mitochondrial dynamics in retinal ganglion cells
Ganapathy PS; Perry RL; Tawfik A; Smith RM; Perry E; Roon P; Bozard BR; Ha Y; Smith SB
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 2011; 52: 5551-5558
47120 Development and Expression of Amyloid-(beta) Peptide 42 in Retinal Ganglion Cells in Rats
Wang J; Zhu C; Xu Y; Liu B; Wang M; Wu K
Anatomical RecordProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2011; 294: 1401-1405
47119 Ischemic tolerance protects the rat retina from glaucomatous damage
Belforte N; Sande PH; de Zavalia N; Fernandez DC; Silberman DM; Chianelli MS; Rosenstein RE
PLoS ONE 2011; 6: 23763
47126 Calpain-mediated cleavage of Beclin-1 and autophagy deregulation following retinal ischemic injury in vivo
Russo R; Berliocchi L; Adornetto A; Varano GP; Cavaliere F; Nucci C; Rotiroti D; Morrone LA; Bagetta G; Corasaniti MT
Cell Death and Disease 2011; 2: 144
46412 Pathophysiology of human glaucomatous optic nerve damage: Insights from rodent models of glaucoma
Morrison JC; Cepurna WO; Guo Y; Johnson EC
Experimental Eye Research 2011; 93: 156-164
46531 Manganese porphyrin reduces retinal injury induced by ocular hypertension in rats
Dogan S; Unal M; Ozturk N; Yargicoglu P; Cort A; Spasojevic I; Batinic-Haberle I; Aslan M
Experimental Eye Research 2011;
46958 Autophagy promotes survival of retinal ganglion cells after optic nerve axotomy in mice
Rodriguez-Muela N; Germain F; Marino G; Fitze PS; Boya P
Cell Death and Differentiation 2011;
47053 Timoptic-XE prevents retinal, neural and behavioural signs of visual impairment in the DBA/2J mouse model of glaucoma
Wong AA; Brown RE
Genes, Brain and Behavior 2010; 9: 439-440
47104 Animal models of retinal disease
Fletcher EL; Jobling AI; Vessey KA; Luu C; Guymer RH; Baird PN
Progress in Molecular Biology and Translational Science 2011; 100: 211-286
47112 Activation of autophagy in a rat model of retinal ischemia following high intraocular pressure
Piras A; Gianetto D; Conte D; Bosone A; Vercelli A
PLoS ONE 2011; 6: 22514
47121 An optic nerve crush injury murine model to study retinal ganglion cell survival
Tang Z; Zhang S; Lee C; Kumar A; Arjunan P; Li Y; Zhang F; Li X
Journal of Vision Exp 2011; 50
47122 Measuring glutamate receptor activation-induced apoptotic cell death in ischemic rat retina using the TUNEL assay
Ju WK; Kim KY
Methods in molecular biology 2011; 740: 149-156
46493 Glial cell response and iNOS expression in the optic nerve head and retina of the rat following acute high IOP ischemia-reperfusion
Cho KJ; Kim JH; Park H-YL; Park CK
Brain Research 2011; 1403: 67-77
46385 Reproducibility of measuring lamina cribrosa pore geometry in human and nonhuman primates with in vivo adaptive optics imaging
Ivers KM; Li C; Patel N; Sredar N; Luo X; Queener H; Harwerth RS; Porter J
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 2011; 52: 5473-5480
46775 Activated retinal glia mediated axon regeneration in experimental glaucoma
Lorber B; Guidi A; Fawcett JW; Martin KR
Neurobiology of Disease 2011;
46842 Validation of the glaucoma filtration surgical mouse model for antifibrotic drug evaluation
Seet L-F; Lee WS; Su R; Finger SN; Crowston JG; Wong TT
Molecular Medicine 2011; 17: 557-567

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