

5.1 Rodent (200)

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67276 Axonal transport along retinal ganglion cells is grossly intact during reduced function post-injury
Fahy ET
Experimental Eye Research 2016; 146: 289-292
67215 Iris transillumination defect and its gene modulators do not correlate with intraocular pressure in the BXD family of mice
Lu H
Molecular Vision 2016; 22: 224-233
67571 Wholemount imaging reveals abnormalities of the aqueous outflow pathway and corneal vascularity in Foxc1 and Bmp4 heterozygous mice
van der Merwe EL
Experimental Eye Research 2016; 146: 293-303
66690 Visualization of Intravital Immune Cell Dynamics After Conjunctival Surgery Using Multiphoton Microscopy
Kojima S
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 2016; 57: 1207-1212
67264 Topical ocular dexamethasone decreases intraocular pressure and body weight in rats
Sato K
Journal of negative results in biomedicine 2016; 15: 5
67559 Ocular Erythropoietin Penetration after Subconjunctival Administration in Glaucomatous Rats
Resende AP
Ophthalmic Research 2016; 56: 104-110
66775 Dose- and time-dependent effects of actomyosin inhibition on live mouse outflow resistance and aqueous drainage tissues
Scientific reports 2016; 6: 21492
67122 Neuroprotective effect of systemic and/or intravitreal rosuvastatin administration in rat glaucoma model
Unlu M
International Journal of Ophthalmology 2016; 9: 340-347
67566 Persistence of intact retinal ganglion cell terminals after axonal transport loss in the DBA/2J mouse model of glaucoma
Smith MA
Journal of Comparative Neurology 2016; 524: 3503-3517
66777 Mice Homozygous for a Deletion in the Glaucoma Susceptibility Locus INK4 Show Increased Vulnerability of Retinal Ganglion Cells to Elevated Intraocular Pressure
Gao S
American Journal of Pathology 2016; 186: 985-1005
67143 Short-Term Moderately Elevated Intraocular Pressure Is Associated With Elevated Scotopic Electroretinogram Responses
Choh V
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 2016; 57: 2140-2151
66707 Characterization of intraocular pressure pattern and changes of retinal ganglion cells in DBA2J glaucoma mice
Wang J
International Journal of Ophthalmology 2016; 9: 211-217
67316 Effect of Melatonin and 5-Methoxycarbonylamino-N-Acetyltryptamine on the Intraocular Pressure of Normal and Glaucomatous Mice
Martínez-Águila A
Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics 2016; 357: 293-299
66714 Platelet-Derived Growth Factor Preserves Retinal Synapses in a Rat Model of Ocular Hypertension
Chong RS
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 2016; 57: 842-852
67468 Amyloid β accumulation and inner retinal degenerative changes in Alzheimer's disease transgenic mouse
Gupta VK
Neuroscience Letters 2016; 623: 52-56
66715 Effects of Dorzolamide on Retinal and Choroidal Blood Flow in the DBA/2J Mouse Model of Glaucoma
Chandra S
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 2016; 57: 826-831
67303 Measurement of Outflow Facility Using iPerfusion
Sherwood JM
PLoS ONE 2016; 11: e0150694
67494 An open-source computational tool to automatically quantify immunolabeled retinal ganglion cells
Dordea AC
Experimental Eye Research 2016; 147: 50-56
66837 Transplanted neurons integrate into adult retinas and respond to light
Venugopalan P
Nature communications 2016; 7: 10472
66761 Mesenchymal stromal cell-mediated neuroprotection and functional preservation of retinal ganglion cells in a rodent model of glaucoma
Mead B
Cytotherapy 2016; 18: 487-496
66762 Bilateral neuroinflammatory processes in visual pathways induced by unilateral ocular hypertension in the rat
Sapienza A
Journal of Neuroinflammation 2016; 13: 44
67120 Brain derived neurotrophic factor keeps pattern electroretinogram from dropping after superior colliculus lesion in mice
Yang BB
International Journal of Ophthalmology 2016; 9: 369-372
67213 Real-time imaging of RGC death with a cell-impermeable nucleic acid dyeing compound after optic nerve crush in a murine model
Tsuda S
Experimental Eye Research 2016; 146: 179-188
66792 Virus-mediated EpoR76E gene therapy preserves vision in a glaucoma model by modulating neuroinflammation and decreasing oxidative stress
Hines-Beard J
Journal of Neuroinflammation 2016; 13: 39
67307 The elevation of intraocular pressure is associated with apoptosis and increased immunoreactivity for nitric oxide synthase in rat retina whereas the effectiveness of retina derived relaxing factor is unaffected
Takır S
Experimental Eye Research 2016; 145: 401-411

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