

6.1.1 Devices, techniques (11)

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23982 Influence of age, central corneal thickness, and quality score on dynamic contour tonometry
Jordão ML; Lupinacci AP; Ferreira EL; Enomoto IJ; Costa VP
Eye 2009; 23: 1364-1369
23828 Acoustic tonometry: feasibility study of a new principle of intraocular pressure measurement
von Freyberg A; Sorg M; Fuhrmann M; Kreiner CF; Pfannkuche J; Klink T; Hensler D; Grehn F; Goch G
Journal of Glaucoma 2009; 18: 316-320
23776 Wireless contact lens sensor for intraocular pressure monitoring: assessment on enucleated pig eyes
Leonardi M; Pitchon EM; Bertsch A; Renaud P; Mermoud A
Acta Ophthalmologica 2009; 87: 433-437
23611 Research on dynamic contour tonometer and non-contact tonometer intraocular pressure in normal young people sitting day and night fluctuations trend
Cao R-D; Zhang Y-P; Geng J; Sheng J-J; Zhang Z-M
International Journal of Ophthalmology 2009; 9: 498-501
23836 Reliability and sensitivity of the TonoLab rebound tonometer in awake Brown Norway rats
Morrison JC; Jia L; Cepurna W; Guo Y; Johnson E
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 2009; 50: 2802-2808
23598 Pathophysiology of glaucoma and continuous measurements of intraocular pressure
Sit AJ; Liu JH
Molecular & cellular biomechanics : MCB 2009; 6: 57-69
23883 Comparison of Goldmann Applanation Tonometry and Dynamic Contour Tonometry in the Measurement of Intraocular Pressure in Eyes with Different Corneal Thicknesses
Roszkowska AM; De Grazia L; Cirone M; Ferreri G
Ophthalmologica 2009; 223: 244-249
23760 Comparison of dynamic contour tonometry with Goldmann applanation tonometry in glaucoma practice
Halkiadakis I; Patsea E; Chatzimichali K; Skouriotis S; Chalkidou S; Amariotakis G; Papakonstadinou D; Theodossiadis G; Amariotakis A; Georgopoulos G
Acta Ophthalmologica 2009; 87: 323-328
23820 Continuous monitoring of intraocular pressure: rationale and progress toward a clinical device
Sit AJ
Journal of Glaucoma 2009; 18: 272-279
23551 Which value of intraocular pressure is more important--inclinostatic or orthostatic?
Stan C; Visan O; Samoil a O
Oftalmologia 2008; 52: 83-87
23997 Disinfecting contact tonometers - a systematic review
Neubauer AS; Heeg P; Kampik A; Hirneiss C
Klinische Monatsblätter für Augenheilkunde 2009; 226: 396-403

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