

6.1.2 Fluctuation, circadian rhythms (9)

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16928 Fluctuation of intraocular pressure and glaucoma progression in the early manifest glaucoma trial
Bengtsson B; Leske MC; Hyman L; Heijl A; Early Manifest Glaucoma Trial Group
Ophthalmology 2007; 114: 205-209
16877 Relation between office intraocular pressure and 24-hour intraocular pressure in patients with primary open-angle glaucoma treated with a combination of topical antiglaucoma eye drops
Nakakura S; Nomura Y; Ataka S; Shiraki K
Journal of Glaucoma 2007; 16: 201-204
16911 Large diurnal variation of intraocular pressure despite maximal medical treatment in juvenile open angle glaucoma
Park SC; Kee C
Journal of Glaucoma 2007; 16: 164-168
16955 Circadian intraocular pressure control with dorzolamide versus timolol maleate add-on treatments in primary open-angle glaucoma patients using latanoprost
Tamer C; Oksuz H
Ophthalmic Research 2007; 9: 24-31
17056 Circadian rhythms and the organ of sight
Urban E; Misiuk-Hojlo M; Kasprzak-Smolarek P; Rusiecka-Ziolkowska J
Advances in Clinical and Experimental Medicine 2006; 15: 953-957
17185 Intraocular pressure measurement during the day and night for glaucoma patients and normal controls using Goldmann and Perkins applanation tonometry
Wozniak K; Koller AU; Sporl E; Bohm AG; Pillunat LE
Ophthalmologe 2006; 103: 1027-1031
17018 Circadian fluctuation of mean ocular perfusion pressure is a consistent risk factor for normal-tension glaucoma
Choi J; Kim KH; Jeong J; Cho HS; Lee CH; Kook MS
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 2007; 48: 104-111
17175 Comparison of diurnal intraocular pressure control by latanoprost versus travoprost: Results of an observational survey
Denis P; Launois R; Devaux M; Berdeaux G
Clinical Drug Investigation 2006; 26: 703-714
17177 Diurnal variation of intraocular pressure following trabeculectomy with adjunct use of mitomycin C
Fukuda T; Nakamoto K; Yasuda N; Furusawa C
Japanese Journal of Clinical Ophthalmology 2006; 60: 1961-1963

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