

6.11 Bloodflow measurements (19)

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Display all abstracts in classification 6.11 Bloodflow measurements

Search within classification 6.11 Bloodflow measurements
21790 Estimation of ocular rigidity based on measurement of pulse amplitude using pneumotonometry and fundus pulse using laser interferometry in glaucoma
Hommer A; Fuchsjäger-Mayrl G; Resch H; Vass C; Garhofer G; Schmetterer L
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 2008; 49: 4046-4050
21530 Mechanical environment of the optic nerve head in glaucoma
Downs JC; Roberts MD; Burgoyne CF
Optometry and Vision Science 2008; 85: 425-435
21428 Change of the hydro- and hemodynamic parameters following a surgical treatment of glaucoma and cataract
Karimov KT; Hajiyeva SA; Mammadzadeh AN; Agayev MM
Azerbaijan Medical Journal 2008; 57-59
21681 Retinal blood flow and nerve fiber layer measurements in early-stage open-angle glaucoma
Berisha F; Feke GT; Hirose T; Mcmeel JW; Pasquale LR
American Journal of Ophthalmology 2008; 146: 466-472
21864 The heritability of corneal hysteresis and ocular pulse amplitude a twin study
Carbonaro F; Andrew T; Mackey DA; Spector TD; Hammond CJ
Ophthalmology 2008; 115: 1545-1549
21829 Relaxing effect and mechanism of tafluprost on isolated rabbit ciliary arteries
Dong Y; Watabe H; Su G; Ishikawa H; Sato N; Yoshitomi T
Experimental Eye Research 2008; 87: 251-256
21777 Diagnostic compatibility of structural and haemodynamic parameters in open-angle glaucoma patients
Janulevičienė I; Sliesoraitytė I; Siesky B; Harris A
Acta Ophthalmologica 2008; 86: 552-557
21872 Effect of aging on nocturnal blood flow in the optic nerve head and macula in healthy human eyes
Kida T; Liu JH; Weinreb RN
Journal of Glaucoma 2008; 17: 366-371
21869 Reactivity of retinal blood flow to 100% oxygen breathing after lipopolysaccharide administration in healthy subjects
Kolodjaschna J; Berisha F; Lasta M; Polska E; Fuchsjäger-Mayrl G; Schmetterer L
Experimental Eye Research 2008; 87: 131-136
21652 Clinic diagnosis and treatment for pathological changes of ischemic ophthalmopathy
Li Z; Liu L
International Journal of Ophthalmology 2008; 8: 1226-1229
21771 Retrobulbar hemodynamic parameters in pseudoexfoliation syndrome and pseudoexfoliative glaucoma
Martinez A; Sanchez M
Graefe's Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology 2008; 246: 1341-1349
21726 Prolonged retinal arteriovenous passage time is correlated to ocular perfusion pressure in normal tension glaucoma
Plange N; Kaup M; Remky A; Arend KO
Graefe's Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology 2008; 246: 1147-1152
21878 Ocular pulse amplitude in normal-tension and primary open-angle glaucoma
Stalmans I; Harris A; Vanbellinghen V; Zeyen T; Siesky B
Journal of Glaucoma 2008; 17: 403-407
21547 Effects of Mirtogenol® on ocular blood flow and intraocular hypertension in asymptomatic subjects
Steigerwalt Jr RD; Gianni B; Paolo M; Bombardelli E; Burki C; Schonlau F
Molecular Vision 2008; 14: 1288-1292
21672 The pulsation and the pressure of the central retinal vein and their relation to glaucoma damage and therapy
Stodtmeister R
Klinische Monatsblätter für Augenheilkunde 2008; 225: 632-636
21566 Protective effects of nebivolol on oxygen free radical-induced vasoconstrictions in vitro
Wagenfeld L; Himpel O; Galambos P; Matthiesen N; Wiermann A; Richard G; Klemm M; Zeitz O
Medical Science Monitor 2008; 14: BR109-BR112
21567 Effects of the systemic β-adrenoceptor antagonist nebivolol on ocular hemodynamics in glaucoma patients
Zeitz O; Galambos P; Matthiesen N; Wagenfeld L; Schillinger W; Wiermann A; Richard G; Klemm M
Medical Science Monitor 2008; 14: CR268-CR275
21712 Glaucoma is associated with peripheral vascular endothelial dysfunction
Su WW; Cheng ST; Ho WJ; Tsay PK; Wu SC; Chang SH
Ophthalmology 2008; 115: 1173-1178
21847 Twenty-four-hour intraocular pressure and blood pressure levels with bimatoprost versus latanoprost in patients with normal-tension glaucoma
Quaranta L; Pizzolante T; Riva I; Haidich AB; Konstas AG; Stewart WC
British Journal of Ophthalmology 2008; 92: 1227-1231

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