

6.11 Bloodflow measurements (33)

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5236 Influence of ophthalmic nerve fibers on choroidal blood flow and myopic eye growth in chicks
Shih YF; Fitzgerald ME; Cuthbertson SL; Reiner A
Experimental Eye Research 1999; 69: 9-20
5271 Effet du Naftidrofuryl (Praxilène?) sur le flux sanguin de la tête du nerf optique du patient glaucomateux(Effects of naftidrofuryl (Praxilène?) on optic nerve head blood flow in glaucomatous patients
Achache F; Titzé P; Movaffaghy A; Mermoud A
Klinische Monatsblätter für Augenheilkunde 1999; 214: 260-262
5272 Retinal hemodynamics in patients with normal pressure glaucoma. Quantification with digital laser scanning fluorescein angiography
Arend O; Remky A; Redbrake C; Arend S; Wenzel M; Harris A
Ophthalmologe 1999; 96: 24-29
5273 Vliianie mestnoi gipotenzivnoi terapii na glaznuiu gemodinamiku u bol'nykh s pervichnoi otkrytougol'noi glaukomoi. (Effect of local hypotensive therapy on ocular hemodynamics in patients with primary open-angle glaucoma)
Bakshinskii PP
Vestnik Oftalmologii 1999; 115: 8-10
5274 Regional distribution of optic nerve head blood flow
Boehm AG; Pillunat LE; Koeller U; Katz B; Schicketanz C; Klemm M; Richard G
Graefe's Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology 1999; 237: 484-488
5275 Relationship between blood flow velocities in retrobulbar vessels and laser Doppler flowmetry at the optic disk in glaucoma patients.
Bohdanecka Z; Orguel S; Meyer AB; Pruente C; Flammer J
Ophthalmologica 1999; 213: 145-149
5276 Visual field responses to a hand vibration stimulus
Chai E; Goldberg I; Chia A; Chen J
Survey of Ophthalmology 1999; 43 (S1): S79-S86
5277 Effet d'une diminution de la pression de perfusion oculaire sur le flux sanguin dans l'iris mesuré par fluxmétrie laser Doppler(Effect of a decreased ocular perfusion pressure on iris blood flow measured with laser Doppler flowmetry)
Chamot SR; Movaffaghy A; Petrig BL; Riva CE
Klinische Monatsblätter für Augenheilkunde 1999; 214: 302-304
5278 Evaluation of ocular arterial changes in glaucoma with color Doppler ultrasonography.
Chiou HJ; Chou YH; Liu CJ; Hsu CC; Tiu CM; Teng MM; Chang CY
Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine 1999; 18: 295-302
5279 Central and peripheral arteriovenous passage times of the retina in glaucoma
Duijm HFA; Van der Berg TJTP; Greve EL
Experimental Eye Research 1999; 69: 145-153
5280 Glaucoma patients demonstrate faulty autoregulation of ocular blood flow during posture change
Evans DW; Harris A; Garrett M; Chung HS; Kagemann L
British Journal of Ophthalmology 1999; 83: 809-813
5281 Effects of peribulbar anesthesia on ocular blood flow in patients undergoing cataract surgery.
Findl O; Dallinger S; Menapace R; Rainer G; Georgopoulos M; Kiss B; Schmetterer L
American Journal of Ophthalmology 1999; 127: 645-649
5282 Mesure du flux sanguin choroïdien au moyen d'in nouvel instrument laser Doppler confocal(Choroidal blood flow measured with a new confocal compact laser Doppler flowmeter)
Geizer MH; Riva CE; Diermann U
Klinische Monatsblätter für Augenheilkunde 1999; 214: 285-287
5283 Optic disk appearances in primary open-angle glaucoma
Goldberg I; Chai E; Chia A; Benscher C; Bauman A; Chen J
Survey of Ophthalmology 1999; 43 (S1): S66-S68
5284 Heidelberg retina flowmeter parameters at the papilla in healthy subjects.
Griesser SM; Lietz A; Orguel S; Schoetzau A; Hendrickson P; Flammer J; Haefliger IO
European Journal of Ophthalmology 1999; 9: 32-36
5285 Optic nerve blood flow in glaucoma: effect of systemic hypertension.
Grunwald JE; Piltz J; Hariprasad SM; Dupont J; Maguire MG
American Journal of Ophthalmology 1999; 127: 516-522
5286 Modulation of Heidelberg Retinal Flowmeter parameter flow at the papilla of healthy subjects: Effect of carbogen, oxygen, high intraocular pressure, and β-blockers
Haefliger IO; Lietz A; Griesser SM; Ulrich A; Schötzau A; Hendrickson P; Flammer J
Survey of Ophthalmology 1999; 43 (S1): S59-S65
5287 Progress in measurement of ocular blood flow and relevance to our understanding of glaucoma and age-related macular degeneration
Harris A; Chung HS; Ciulla TA; Kagemann L
Progress in Retinal and Eye Research 1999; 18: 669-687
5288 Mechanisches Modell für Okular-Pulsatilfluss zur Prüfung des 'Ocular Blood Flow' (OBF)-Gerätes mit bekannten Druckpulsationen(Mechanical ocular pulsatile-flow model to challenge the 'Ocular Blood Flow' (OBF)-device with known pulsatile-flow values)
Hendrickson P
Klinische Monatsblätter für Augenheilkunde 1999; 214: 272-274
5289 Mechanical fundus-perfusion model: blood-flow velocity determined with Heidelberg Retina Flowmetry (HRF) and digital ICG angiography (HRA)
Hendrickson P; DeMel T; Peterson JC
Klinische Monatsblätter für Augenheilkunde 1999; 214: 275-276
5290 Sympathetic vasoconstriction in the rat anterior choroid is mediated by alpha1-adrenoceptors
Kawarai M; Koss MC
European Journal of Pharmacology 1999; 363: 35-40
5291 Dorzolamide effect on ocular blood flow.
Martinez A; Gonzalez F; Capeans C; Perez R; Sanchez-Salorio M
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 1999; 40: 1270-1275
5292 Measurement of blood flow in the optic nerve head in glaucoma eyes using Heidelberg retina flowmeter
Mizuki K; Yamazaki Y
Japanese Journal of Clinical Ophthalmology 1999; 53: 649-652
5293 Diversity of response of optic nerve head circulation to timolol maleate in gel-forming solution
Netland PA; Schwartz B; Feke GT; Takamoto T; Konno S; Goger DG
Journal of Glaucoma 1999; 8: 164-171
5294 Blood flow velocity in the peripheral circulation of glaucoma patients.
O'Brien C; Butt Z
Ophthalmologica 1999; 213: 150-153

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