

6.11 Bloodflow measurements (114)

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Display all abstracts in classification 6.11 Bloodflow measurements

Search within classification 6.11 Bloodflow measurements
67479 The Effects of Nocturnal Dip and Blood Pressure Variability on Paracentral Scotoma in Early Open-Angle Glaucoma
Jin SW
Seminars in Ophthalmology 2016; 0: 1-7
66701 Ocular blood flow and cerebrospinal fluid pressure in glaucoma
Promelle V
Acta radiologica open 2016; 5: 2058460115624275
67231 Phase and amplitude of spontaneous retinal vein pulsations: An extended constant inflow and variable outflow model
Levine DN
Microvascular Research 2016; 106: 67-79
67614 Arteriolar Diameters in Glaucomatous Eyes with Single-Hemifield Damage
Russo A
Optometry and Vision Science 2016; 93: 504-509
66670 Optic Disc Vascularization in Glaucoma: Value of Spectral-Domain Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography
Lévêque PM
Journal of Ophthalmology 2016; 2016: 6956717
66732 Relationship Between Subfoveal Choroidal Thickness, Ocular Pulse Amplitude, and Intraocular Pressure in Healthy Subjects
Pekel G
Journal of Glaucoma 2016; 25: 613-617
67581 Preliminary investigation of multispectral retinal tissue oximetry mapping using a hyperspectral retinal camera
Desjardins M
Experimental Eye Research 2016; 146: 330-340
67474 Effect of Morphological and Functional Parameters on Ocular Pulse Amplitudes: An Analysis in Ocular Hypertension and Different Types of Glaucoma
Milioti G
Klinische Monatsblätter für Augenheilkunde 2017; 234: 223-230
66768 Structural characteristics of the optic nerve head influencing human retinal venous pulsations
Lam J
Experimental Eye Research 2016; 145: 341-346
66763 Ocular blood flow in glaucoma - the Leuven Eye Study
Abegão Pinto L
Acta Ophthalmologica 2016; 94: 592-598
66622 Inter-device reproducibility of retrobulbar blood flow velocity measurements in healthy subjects using color Doppler imaging
Vercellin Alice C V
Journal of ultrasound 2016; 19: 125-130
67519 Increased erythrocyte aggregation in patients with primary open angle glaucoma
Kilic-Toprak E
Clinical and Experimental Optometry 2016; 99: 544-549
67557 Ocular perfusion pressure and ophthalmic artery flow in patients with normal tension glaucoma
Samsudin A
BMC Ophthalmology 2016; 16: 39
67107 Optic nerve head perfusion in normal eyes and eyes with glaucoma using optical coherence tomography-based microangiography
Chen CL
Quantitative imaging in medicine and surgery 2016; 6: 125-133
66696 Association Between Peripheral Vascular Endothelial Function and Progression of Open-Angle Glaucoma
Liu CH
Medicine 2016; 95: e3055
67473 Value of Pressure Measurements: Methods and Sources of Errors
Rüfer F
Klinische Monatsblätter für Augenheilkunde 2016; 233: 847-855
67475 Glaucoma diagnostic capacity of optic nerve head haemoglobin measures compared with spectral domain OCT and HRT III confocal tomography
Mendez-Hernandez C
Acta Ophthalmologica 2016; 94: 697-704
67218 The prognostic value of retinal vessel analysis in primary open-angle glaucoma
Waldmann NP
Acta Ophthalmologica 2016; 94: e474-e480
66876 Vascular and autonomic dysregulation in primary open-angle glaucoma
Pasquale LR
Current Opinions in Ophthalmology 2016; 27: 94-101
67452 Assessing Efficacy of Canaloplasty Using Continuous 24-Hour Monitoring of Ocular Dimensional Changes
Rekas M
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 2016; 57: 2533-2542
66715 Effects of Dorzolamide on Retinal and Choroidal Blood Flow in the DBA/2J Mouse Model of Glaucoma
Chandra S
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 2016; 57: 826-831
66768 Structural characteristics of the optic nerve head influencing human retinal venous pulsations
Chan G
Experimental Eye Research 2016; 145: 341-346
66763 Ocular blood flow in glaucoma - the Leuven Eye Study
Willekens K
Acta Ophthalmologica 2016; 94: 592-598
67475 Glaucoma diagnostic capacity of optic nerve head haemoglobin measures compared with spectral domain OCT and HRT III confocal tomography
Rodriguez-Uña I
Acta Ophthalmologica 2016; 94: 697-704
67614 Arteriolar Diameters in Glaucomatous Eyes with Single-Hemifield Damage
Costagliola C
Optometry and Vision Science 2016; 93: 504-509

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