
WGA Rescources

6.13 Provocative tests (20)

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69040 A New Provocative Test for Glaucoma
Kanadani FN
Journal of Current Glaucoma Practice 2016; 10: 1-3
69016 Comparison between intraocular pressure spikes with water loading and postural change
Chong CW
Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology 2016; 44: 768-775
69482 Intraocular pressure dynamics with prostaglandin analogs: a clinical application of the water-drinking test
Özyol P
Clinical Ophthalmology 2016; 10: 1351-1356
69186 Reproducibility of the water-drinking test in patients with exfoliation syndrome and exfoliative glaucoma
Özyol E
Acta Ophthalmologica 2016; 94: e795-e798
69016 Comparison between intraocular pressure spikes with water loading and postural change
Wang SB
Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology 2016; 44: 768-775
69186 Reproducibility of the water-drinking test in patients with exfoliation syndrome and exfoliative glaucoma
Özyol P
Acta Ophthalmologica 2016; 94: e795-e798
69040 A New Provocative Test for Glaucoma
Moreira T
Journal of Current Glaucoma Practice 2016; 10: 1-3
69482 Intraocular pressure dynamics with prostaglandin analogs: a clinical application of the water-drinking test
Özyol E
Clinical Ophthalmology 2016; 10: 1351-1356
69186 Reproducibility of the water-drinking test in patients with exfoliation syndrome and exfoliative glaucoma
Karalezli A
Acta Ophthalmologica 2016; 94: e795-e798
69482 Intraocular pressure dynamics with prostaglandin analogs: a clinical application of the water-drinking test
Baldemir E
Clinical Ophthalmology 2016; 10: 1351-1356
69016 Comparison between intraocular pressure spikes with water loading and postural change
Jain NS
Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology 2016; 44: 768-775
69040 A New Provocative Test for Glaucoma
Campos LF; Vianello MP
Journal of Current Glaucoma Practice 2016; 10: 1-3
69016 Comparison between intraocular pressure spikes with water loading and postural change
Bank CS
Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology 2016; 44: 768-775
69040 A New Provocative Test for Glaucoma
Corradi J
Journal of Current Glaucoma Practice 2016; 10: 1-3
69016 Comparison between intraocular pressure spikes with water loading and postural change
Singh R
Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology 2016; 44: 768-775
69040 A New Provocative Test for Glaucoma
Dorairaj SK
Journal of Current Glaucoma Practice 2016; 10: 1-3
69016 Comparison between intraocular pressure spikes with water loading and postural change
Bank A
Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology 2016; 44: 768-775
69040 A New Provocative Test for Glaucoma
Freitas A
Journal of Current Glaucoma Practice 2016; 10: 1-3
69016 Comparison between intraocular pressure spikes with water loading and postural change
Francis IC; Agar A
Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology 2016; 44: 768-775
69040 A New Provocative Test for Glaucoma
Ritch R
Journal of Current Glaucoma Practice 2016; 10: 1-3

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