

6.30 Other (6)

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50971 Reduced white matter integrity in primary open-angle glaucoma: A DTI study using tract-based spatial statistics
Lu P; Shi L; Du H; Xie B; Li C; Li S; Liu T; Feng H; Wang J
Journal of neuroradiology. Journal de neuroradiologie 2013; 40: 89-93
50888 Impact of repeated topical-loaded manganese-enhanced MRI on the mouse visual system
Sun SW; Thiel T; Liang HF
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 2012; 53: 4699-4709
51172 Clinical applications of high-resolution ocular magnetic resonance imaging
Tanitame K; Sone T; Kiuchi Y; Awai K
Japanese journal of radiology 2012; 30: 695-705
51183 In vivo analysis of vectors involved in pupil constriction in Chinese subjects with angle closure
Zheng C; Cheung CY; Aung T; Narayanaswamy A; Ong SH; Friedman DS; Allen JC; Baskaran M; Chew PT; Perera SA
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 2012; 53: 6756-6762
51375 Oxidative stress in the closed-eyelid test: management of glaucoma
Pescosolido N; Malagola R; Scarsella G; Lenarduzzi F; Dapoto L; Nebbioso M
European review for medical and pharmacological sciences 2012; 16: 1453-1457
50756 Visual symptoms and retinal straylight after laser peripheral iridotomy: the Zhongshan Angle-Closure Prevention Trial
Congdon N; Yan X; Friedman DS; Foster PJ; van den Berg TJ; Peng M; Gangwani R; He M
Ophthalmology 2012; 119: 1375-1382

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