

6.6 Visual field examination and other visual function tests (2)

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Display all abstracts in classification 6.6 Visual field examination and other visual function tests

Search within classification 6.6 Visual field examination and other visual function tests
6031 Glaucoma in primates: cytochrome oxidase reactivity in parvo- and magnocellular pathways
Crawford ML; Harwerth RS; Smith EL III; Shen F; Carter-Dawson L
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 2000; 41: 1791-1802
6041 Synopsis of different sensory examinations in early glaucoma diagnosis
Korth M; Jünemann AGM; Horn FK; Bergua A; Cursiefen C; Velten I; Budde WM; Wisse M; Martus P
Klinische Monatsblätter für Augenheilkunde 2000; 216: 360-368

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