

6.6.2 Automated (15)

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8378 The relationship between visual disability and visual field in patients with glaucoma
Sumi I; Shirato S; Matsumoto S; Araie M
Ophthalmology 2003; 110: 332-339
8394 Combined use of frequency doubling perimetry and polarimetric measurements of retinal nerve fiber layer in glaucoma detection
Horn FK; Nguyen NX; Mardin CY; Jünemann AG
American Journal of Ophthalmology 2003; 135: 160-168
8429 Misleading statistical calculations in far-advanced glaucomatous visual field loss
Blumenthal EZ; Sapir-Pichhadze R
Ophthalmology 2003; 110: 196-200
8618 Glaucomatous visual field defects in patients with migraine
Comoglu S; Yarangümeli A; Gürbüz Köz Ö; Elhan AH; Kural G
Journal of Neurology 2003; 250: 201-206
8620 A method for detecting progression in glaucoma patients with deep, localized perimetric defects
Corallo G; Gandolfo E
European Journal of Ophthalmology 2003; 13: 49-56
8647 Multicenter evaluation of tendency-oriented perimetry (TOP) using the G1 grid
Gonzales de la Rosa M; Morales J; Dannheim F; Papst E; Papst N; Seilers T; Matsumoto C; Lachkar Y; Mermoud A; Prunte C
European Journal of Ophthalmology 2003; 13: 32-41
8426 Neural networks to identify glaucomatous visual field progression
Lin A; Hoffman D; Gaasterland DE; Caprioli J
American Journal of Ophthalmology 2003; 135: 49-54
8428 Appearance of the frequency doubling stimulus in normal subjects and patients with glaucoma
McKendrick AM; Anderson AJ; Johnson CA; Fortune B
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 2003; 44: 1111-1116
8770 Alternative method of evaluating visual field deterioration in very advanced glaucomatous eyes by microperimetry
Okada K; Watanabe W; Koike I; Tsumamoto Y; Mishima HK
Japanese Journal of Ophthalmology 2003; 47: 178-181
8789 Open-angle glaucoma: variations in the intraocular pressure after visual field examination
Recupero SM; Contestabile MT; Taverniti L; Villani GM; Recupero V
Journal of Glaucoma 2003; 12: 114-118
8427 Measurement error of visual field tests in glaucoma
Spry PG; Johnson CA; McKendrick AM; Turpin A
British Journal of Ophthalmology 2003; 87: 107-112
8607 Humphrey visual field and frequency doubling perimetry in the diagnosis of early glaucoma
Chandrasekhar G; Kunjam V; Rao VS; Nutheti R
Indian Journal of Ophthalmology 2003; 51: 35-38
8430 Development of an automatic discrimination system for glaucomatous visual fields based on neuro-fuzzy nets
Garcia-Feijoo J; Carmona-Suarez E; Gallardo LM; Gonzalez-Hernandez M; Fernandez-Vidal A; Gonzalez-De-La-Rosa M; Mira-Mira J; Garcia-Sanchez J
Archivos de la Sociedad Española de Oftalmologia 2002; 77: 669-676
8781 The endothelin-1 level in blood serum of patients with primary open angle glaucoma and its influence on the static perimetry and GDx changes
Pienkowska-Machoy E; Millo B
Klinika Oczna 2002; 104: 214-217
8813 Evaluation of changes in the visual field in glaucoma during examination with white and colored stimuli
Skorkovska S; Stara S; Koci J
Česka a Slovenska Oftalmologie 2003; 59: 28-32

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