6.6.3 Special methods (e.g. color, contrast, SWAP etc.) (8)
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10383 Correlation between glaucomatous hemifield scotomas in white-on-white perimetry and blue-on-yellow perimetry using the oculus twinfield perimeterDenk PO; Markovic M; Knorr M
Klinische Monatsblätter für Augenheilkunde 2004; 221: 109-115
10382 Relationship between indices of Humphrey perimetry and frequency doubling technology perimetry in glaucomaFukushima A; Shirakashi M; Yaoeda K; Funaki S; Funaki H; Ofuchi N; Abe H
Journal of Glaucoma 2004; 13: 114-119
10388 The reliability of frequency-doubling perimetry in young childrenBlumenthal EZ; Haddad A; Horani A; Anteby I
Ophthalmology 2004; 111:435-49
10387 Learning effect among perimetric novices with screening C-20-1 frequency doubling technology perimetryBrush MB; Chen PP
American Journal of Ophthalmology 2004; 137: 551-552
10394 Simultaneous comparison of relative damage to chromatic pathways in ocular hypertension and glaucoma: correlation with clinical measuresCastelo-Branco M; Faria P; Forjaz V; Kozak LR; Azevedo H
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 2004; 45: 499-505
10519 Multifocal magnetoencephalogram applied to objective visual field analysisNishiyama T; Ohde H; Haruta Y; Mashima Y; Oguchi Y
Japanese Journal of Ophthalmology 2004; 48:115-122
10386 Validation of test duration as a screening criterion for frequency doubling perimetryThomas R; Parikh R; Muliyil J; Bhat S; George R
American Journal of Ophthalmology 2004; 137: 562-563
10391 Learning effect, normal range, and test-retest variability of frequency doubling perimetry as a function of age, perimetric experience, and the presence or absence of glaucomaHeeg GP; Ponsioen TL; Jansonius NM
Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics 2003; 23: 535-540