

9.1.2 Juvenile glaucoma (13)

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Display all abstracts in classification 9.1.2 Juvenile glaucoma

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27445 Identification a novel MYOC gene mutation in a Chinese family with juvenile-onset open angle glaucoma
Zhao X; Yang C; Tong Y; Zhang X; Xu L; Li Y
Molecular Vision 2010; 16: 1728-1735
27308 Tonometry methods in the pediatric emergency department
Yamamoto LG; Young DA
Pediatric Emergency Care 2010; 26: 678-683
27082 Feasibility and outcome of automated kinetic perimetry in children.
Wilscher S; Wabbels B; Lorenz B
Graefe's Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology 2010; 248: 1493-1500
27395 Optical coherence tomography measurements of retinal nerve fiber layer thickness in chinese children and teenagers
Qian J; Wang W; Zhang X; Wang F; Jiang Y; Xu S; Wu Y; Su Y; Xu X
Journal of Glaucoma 2010;
27456 Evaluation of SPARC as a candidate gene of juvenile-onset primary open-angle glaucoma by mutation and copy number analyses
Chen LJ; Tam POS; Tham CCY; Liang XY; Chiang SWY; Canlas O; Ritch R; Rhee DJ; Pang CP
Molecular Vision 2010; 16: 2016-2025
27658 Acute pupillary block in an 18-month-old child with spherophakia
Gharaibeh A; Imam M
American Journal of Case Reports 2010; 11: 123-125
27153 Aphakic glaucoma after congenital cataract surgery with and without intraocular lens implantation
Urban B; Bakunowicz-Lazarczyk A
Klinika Oczna 2010; 112: 105-107
27525 A case report of a patient with Pfeiffer syndrome, an FGRF 2 mutation (Trp290Cys) and unique ocular anterior segment findings
Barry GP; Ny BM-L; Zackai EH; Grunwald L; Forbes BJ
Ophthalmic Genetics 2010; 31: 193-195
27216 Comparison of optic disc topography in non-glaucomatous eyes of children with juvenile diabetes mellitus and normal children
Elgin U; Cankaya B; Simsek T; Batman A
Journal of Pediatric Ophthalmology & Strabismus 2010; 47: 313-316
27432 Cerebral arterial stenoses and stroke: novel features of Aicardi-Goutieres syndrome caused by the Arg164X mutation in SAMHD1 are associated with altered cytokine expression
Thiele H; Du Moulin M; Barczyk K; George C; Schwindt W; Nurnberg G; Frosch M; Kurlemann G; Roth J; Nurnberg P
Human Mutation 2010; 31: 1836-1850
27152 The evaluation of efficacy of Ahmed valve implantation in the surgical treatment of glaucoma in children and adolescents
Bakunowicz-Lazarczyk A; Urban B
Klinika Oczna 2010; 112: 108-110
27252 Evaluation of Ahmed glaucoma valve implantation through a needle-generated scleral tunnel in Mexican children with glaucoma
Albis-Donado O; Gil-Carrasco F; Romero-Quijada R; Thomas R
Indian Journal of Ophthalmology 2010; 58: 365-373
27469 Spontaneous disconnection of glaucoma tube shunt extenders
Dawodu O; Levin AV
Journal of AAPOS 2010; 14: 361-363

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