

9.1.3 Syndromes of Axenfeld, Rieger, Peters, aniridia (3)

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Display all abstracts in classification 9.1.3 Syndromes of Axenfeld, Rieger, Peters, aniridia

Search within classification 9.1.3 Syndromes of Axenfeld, Rieger, Peters, aniridia
3370 Molecular genetics of Axenfeld-Rieger malformations
Lines MA; Kozlowski K; Walter MA
Human Molecular Genetics 2002; 11: 1177-1184
3372 Foxe3 haploinsufficiency in mice: a model for Peters' anomaly
Ormestad M; Blixt Å; Churchill A; Martinsson T; Enerbäck S; Carlsson P
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 2002; 43: 1350-1357
3701 Aniridia as part of a WAGr syndrome in a girl whose brother presented hypospadias
Lorda Sanchez I; Sanz R; Diaz Guillen MA; Fernandez Toral J; Heine Suner D; Rodriguez De Alba M; Gonzalez Gonzalez C; Trujillo MJ; Ramos C; Rodriguez De Cordoba S
Genetic Counselling 2002; 13: 171-177

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