

9.4.15 Glaucoma in relation to systemic disease (17)

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Display all abstracts in classification 9.4.15 Glaucoma in relation to systemic disease

Search within classification 9.4.15 Glaucoma in relation to systemic disease
24627 FOXC1 is required for normal cerebellar development and is a major contributor to chromosome 6p25.3 Dandy-Walker malformation
Aldinger KA; Lehmann OJ; Hudgins L; Chizhikov VV; Bassuk AG; Ades LC; Krantz ID; Dobyns WB; Millen KJ
Nature Genetics 2009; 41: 1037-1042
24990 Scanning laser polarimetry with variable corneal compensation in migraine patients
Martinez A; Proupim N; Sanchez M
Acta Ophthalmologica 2009; 87: 746-753
24849 Intraocular pressure and superior ophthalmic vein blood flow velocity in Graves' orbitopathy: relation with the clinical features
Konuk O; Onaran Z; Ozhan Oktar S; Yucel C; Unal M
Graefe's Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology 2009; 247: 1555-1559
24774 Long-term clinical complications in Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada disease: A matched case-control analysis of retinal thickness measurements using optical coherence tomography
Supasilkanok S; Laksanaphuk P; Varadisai A; Pasadhika S; Chawasirikunthol J; Tulvatana W
Asian Biomedicine 2009; 3: 309-312
24867 Diabetes, metabolic abnormalities, and glaucoma
Tan GS; Wong TY; Fong CW; Aung T; Singapore Malay Eye Study
Archives of Ophthalmology 2009; 127: 1354-1361
24644 Port-wine vascular malformations and glaucoma risk in Sturge-Weber syndrome
Sharan S; Swamy B; Taranath DA; Jamieson R; Yu T; Wargon O; Grigg JR
Journal of AAPOS 2009; 13: 374-378
24771 Topiramate-associated acute glaucoma in a migraine patient receiving concomitant citalopram therapy: A case-report
Spaccapelo L; Leschiutta S; Aurea C; Ferrari A
Cases Journal 2009; 2: 87
24919 Alzheimer's disease and glaucoma: is there a causal relationship?
Wostyn P; Audenaert K; De Deyn PP
British Journal of Ophthalmology 2009; 93: 1557-1559
24549 Color doppler imaging of the ophthalmic artery in patients with chronic heart failure
Freitas D; Meira-Freitas D; Iared W; Melo-Jr J; Paranhos-Jr A; Almeida D; Asjzen S
Neuroradiology 2009; 51: S135-S136
24619 49,XXXXY syndrome with autoimmune diabetes and ocular manifestations
Pamuk BO; Torun AN; Kulaksizoglu M; Algan C; Ertugrul DT; Yilmaz Z; Tutuncu NB; Demirag NG
Medical Principles and Practice 2009; 18: 482-485
24550 Sturge-Weber syndrome: physician's dream; surgeon's enigma
Mutalik SS; Bathi RJ; Naikmasur VG
The New York state dental journal 2009; 75: 44-45
24529 Weill Marchesani syndrome with chronic angle closure glaucoma in Ethiopia: a case report
Tenkir A; Bekele S; Solomon B
Ethiopian medical journal 2009; 47: 81-83
24622 Trigeminal dermatome distribution in patients with glaucoma and facial port wine stain
Mehta M; Hernandez Salas A; Fay A
Dermatology 2009; 219: 219-224
24555 Open-angle glaucoma and the risk of stroke development: A 5-year population-based follow-up study
Ho J-D; Hu C-C; Lin H-C
Stroke 2009; 40: 2685-2690
24542 Ocular disease in sleep apnea syndrome
Nieto Enriquez J; Torres Blanch J; Badal Lafulla J
Medicina Clinica 2009; 133: 594-598
24625 Sturge-weber syndrome: Soft-tissue and skeletal overgrowth
Greene AK; Taber SF; Ball KL; Padwa BL; Mulliken JB
Journal of Craniofacial Surgery 2009; 20: 617-621
24525 Bilateral acute angle closure glaucoma and myopia induced by topiramate
Cruciani F; Lorenzatti M; Nazzarro V; Abdolrahimzadeh S
Clinica Terapeutica 2009; 160: 215-216

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