

9.4.15 Glaucoma in relation to systemic disease (12)

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Display all abstracts in classification 9.4.15 Glaucoma in relation to systemic disease

Search within classification 9.4.15 Glaucoma in relation to systemic disease
10479 Induction of apoptosis as a proposed pathophysiological link between glaucoma and Helicobacter pylori infection
Kountouras J; Zavos C; Chatzopoulos D
Medical Hypotheses 2004; 62: 378-381
10290 Increased expression of matrix metalloproteinases in mononuclear blood cells of normal-tension glaucoma patients
Golubnitschaja O; Yeghiazaryan K; Liu R; Monkemann H; Leppert D; Schild H; Haefliger IO; Flammer J
Journal of Glaucoma 2004; 13: 66-72
10374 Gonioscopic findings in patients with type 1 neurofibromatosis (Von Recklinghausen disease)
Quaranta L; Semeraro F; Turano R; Gandolfo E
Journal of Glaucoma 2004; 13: 90-95
10348 Effects of hypertension and antihypertensive treatment on retrobulbar circulation detected on Doppler sonography
Karadeniz-Bilgili MY; Ekmekci Y; Koksal A; Akarsu C; Ziraman I
Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine 2004; 23: 13-17
10413 The effects of menopause and hormone replacement therapy on quality and quantity of tear, intraocular pressure and ocular blood flow
Altintas O; Caglar Y; Yuksel N; Demirci A; Karabas L
Ophthalmologica 2004; 218: 120-129
10412 The immune system and glaucoma
Tezel G; Wax MB
Current Opinions in Ophthalmology 2004; 15: 80-84
10462 Effects of three nasal topical steroids in the intraocular pressure compartment
Bross Soriano D; Hanenberg Milver C; Schimelmitz Idi J; Arrieta Gomez JR; Del Toro RA; Bravo Escobar G
Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery 2004; 130: 187-191
10435 Complex autoantibody repertoires in patients with glaucoma
Grus FH; Joachim SC; Hoffmann EM; Pfeiffer N
Molecular Vision 2004; 10: 132-137
10433 Retinal vascular findings and penile cavernosal artery blood flow
Kawanishi Y; Kimura K; Nakanishi R; Numata A; Taguchi H
BJU International 2003; 92: 977-980
10432 Glaucoma among Omani diabetic patients: a cross-sectional descriptive study: (Oman diabetic eye study 2002)
Khandekar R; Zutshi R
European Journal of Ophthalmology 2004; 14: 19-25
10434 Characteristics and outcomes of children with the Wilms tumor-aniridia syndrome: a report from the National Wilms Tumor Study Group
Breslow NE; Norris R; Norkool PA; Kang T; Beckwith JB; Perlman EJ; Ritchey ML; Green DM; Nichols KE
Journal of Clinical Oncology 2003; 21: 4579-4585
10437 Glaucomatous neuropathy concomitant with carotid pathology: the specificity of pathogenesis and diagnostics
Kiseleva TN; Grigor'eva EG; Tarasova LN
Vestnik Oftalmologii 2003; 119: 5-7

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