
Topcon Pigmentary glaucoma (4)

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Display all abstracts in classification Pigmentary glaucoma

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6592 Mutations in genes encoding melanosomal proteins cause pigmentary glaucoma in DBA/2J mice
Anderson MG; Smith RS; Hawes NL; Zabaleta A; Chang B; Wiggs JL; John SWM
Nature Genetics 2002; 30: 81-85
6778 Computational evaluation of the role of accommodation in pigmentary glaucoma
Heys JJ; Barocas VH
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 2002; 43: 700-708
6779 Red and/or blonde hair association with pigmentary glaucoma in Israel
Levy Y; Glovinsky Y
Eye 2002; 16: 2-6
6780 Syndromes: glaucoma pigmentatum primarium-pigmented glaucoma
Vojnikovic B; Njiric S; Bojic L; Kovacevic, D
Collegium Antropologicum 2001; 25 Suppl: 127-130

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