
WGA Rescources Exfoliation syndrome (14)

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27454 Role of functional single nucleotide polymorphisms of MMP1, MMP2, AND MMP9 in open angle glaucomas
Mossbock G; Weger M; Faschinger C; Zimmermann C; Schmut O; Renner W; El-Shabrawi Y
Molecular Vision 2010; 16: 1764-1770
27578 Elevated oxidative membrane damage associated with genetic modifiers of Lyst-mutant phenotypes
Trantow CM; Hedberg-Buenz A; Iwashita S; Moore SA; Anderson MG
PLoS Genetics 2010; 6: 1-12
27159 Peculiarities of systemic on regional circulatory dynamics at a pseudoexfoliative syndrome and pseudoexfoliative glaucoma (review of literature)
Brezhnev AI; Kuroedov AV; Aleksandrov AS
Voenno-meditsinskiĭ zhurnal 2010; 331: 29-33
27583 Comparison of plasma C- reactive protein levels in pseudoexfoliation (PXF) glaucoma with normal population
Zarei R; Nili Ahmadabadi M; Eftekharzadeh A
Journal of Babol University of Medical Sciences 2010; 12: 38-42
27068 Is there any difference in target intraocular pressure for exfoliative glaucoma patients with cardiovascular disease history?
Holló G; Cvenkel B; Teus MA; Irkec MT; Astakhov YS; Chiselita D; Petkova N; Liehneová I; Kaluzny BJ; Kóthy P
European Journal of Ophthalmology 2010; 20: 1000-1006
27330 24-h Intraocular pressure control with evening-dosed travoprost/timolol, compared with latanoprost/timolol, fixed combinations in exfoliative glaucoma
Konstas AGP; Mikropoulos DG; Embeslidis TA; Dimopoulos AT; Papanastasiou A; Haidich A-B; Stewart WC
Eye 2010; 24: 1606-1613
27458 LOXL1 expression in lens capsule tissue specimens from individuals with pseudoexfoliation syndrome and glaucoma
Khan TT; Li G; Navarro ID; Kastury RD; Zeil CJ; Semchyshyn TM; Moya FJ; Epstein DL; Gonzalez P; Challa P
Molecular Vision 2010; 16: 2236-2241
27025 Effects of postural variation on anterior chamber depth in pseudoexfoliative eyes with normal intraocular pressure.
Ermis SS
Current Eye Research 2010; 35: 888-8891
27211 Pseudoexfoliation syndrome and phacoemulsification: Comparative study with a control population
Sarda V; Rohart C; Fajnkuchen F; Nghiem Buffet S; Streho M; Chaine G
Journal Français d'Ophtalmologie 2010; 33: 319-326
26991 Myocilin Levels in Primary Open-angle Glaucoma and Pseudoexfoliation Glaucoma Human Aqueous Humor.
Howell KG; Vrabel AM; Chowdhury UR; Stamer WD; Fautsch MP
Journal of Glaucoma 2010; 19: 569-575
27042 The frequency of pseudoexfoliation syndrome in the middle Black Sea region of Turkey.
Cumurcu T; Kilic R; Yologlu S
European Journal of Ophthalmology 2010; 20: 1007-1011
27076 Aqueous humor and serum erythropoietin levels in patients with pseudoexfoliation syndrome and pseudoexfoliative glaucoma.
Doğu B; Yüksel N; Cekmen MB; Cağlar Y
International Ophthalmology 2010; 30: 669-674
27081 Prevalence of exfoliation syndrome in Estonia.
Kaljurand K; Teesalu P
European Journal of Ophthalmology 2010; 20: 1012-107
27260 Pseudoexfoliation syndrome and glaucoma
Blagoeva H; Balabanov Ch; Petrov D
Acta Medica Bulgarica 2010; 37: 12-21

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