
Topcon Exfoliation syndrome (7)

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Display all abstracts in classification Exfoliation syndrome

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8252 Ultrasound biomicroscopic classification of zonules in exfoliation syndrome
Inazumi K; Takahashi D; Taniguchi T; Yamamoto T
Japanese Journal of Ophthalmology 2002; 46: 502-509
8250 Detection of herpes simplex virus in pseudoexfoliation syndrome and exfoliation glaucoma
Detorakis ET; Kozobolis VP; Pallikaris IG; Spandidos DA
Acta Ophthalmologica Scandinavica 2002; 80: 612-616
8270 Exfoliation syndrome: frequency, gender distribution and association with climatically induced alterations of the cornea and conjunctiva
Forsius H; Forsman E; Fellman J; Eriksson AW
Acta Ophthalmologica Scandinavica 2002; 80: 478-484
8114 Intraocular pressure response of capsular glaucoma and primary open-angle glaucoma to selective Nd:YAG laser trabeculoplasty: a prospective, comparative clinical trial
Gracner T
European Journal of Ophthalmology 2002; 12: 287-292
8276 Evaluation of the clinical association between exfoliation syndrome and abdominal aortic aneurysm
Hietanen J; Soisalon-Soininen S; Kivelä T; Tarkkanen A
Acta Ophthalmologica Scandinavica 2002; 80: 617-619
8115 Intraocular pressure asymmetry and related factors in pseudoexfoliative syndrome
Moreno-Montanes J; Teutsch-Ortlieb P; Rodriguez-Conde R; Corcostegui-Crespo I
Archivos de la Sociedad Española de Oftalmologia 2002; 77: 309-313
8247 Unilateral exfoliation syndrome: conversion to bilateral exfoliation and to glaucoma: a prospective 10-year follow-up study
Puska PM
Journal of Glaucoma 2002; 11: 517-524

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