
Topcon Neovascular glaucoma (7)

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Display all abstracts in classification Neovascular glaucoma

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17184 Neovascular glaucoma. Aetiology, pathogenesis and treatment
Loffler KU
Ophthalmologe 2006; 103: 1057-1064
16949 Interventions for central retinal vein occlusion: an evidence-based systematic review
Mohamed Q; McIntosh RL; Saw SM; Wong TY
Ophthalmology 2007; 114: 507-519, 524
17112 Ocular neovascularization in a patient with Fanconi anemia
Yahia SB; Touffahi SA; Zeghidi H; Zaouali S; Khairallah M
Canadian Journal of Ophthalmology 2006; 41: 778-779
17032 Increased levels of transforming growth factor-β1 and -β2 in the aqueous humor of patients with neovascular glaucoma
Yu X-B; Sun X-H; Dahan E; Guo W-Y; Qian S-H; Meng F-R; Song Y-L; Simon GJB
Ophthalmic Surgery Lasers and Imaging 2007; 38: 6-14
17046 Risk factors for neovascular glaucoma after carbon ion radiotherapy of choroidal melanoma using dose-volume histogram analysis
Hirasawa N; Tsuji H; Ishikawa H; Koyama-Ito H; Kamada T; Mizoe J-E; Ito Y; Naganawa S; Ohnishi Y; Tsujii H
International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics 2007; 67: 538-543
17071 Recalcitrant rubeosis iridis in systematic lupus erythematosus
Lim AKE; Lim SL; Khaw KW
Asian Journal of Ophthalmology 2006; 8: 250-251
16863 Transscleral red-laser cyclophotocoagulation combined with limited anterior retinal cryocoagulation in neovascular glaucoma
Raivio VE; Immonen IJ; Puska PM
Acta Ophthalmologica Scandinavica 2007; 85: 60-66

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