

Acta Ophthalmologica 20

Showing records 1 to 20 | Display all abstracts in Acta Ophthalmologica

51132 Differences in basement membrane zone components of normal conjunctiva, conjunctiva in glaucoma and normal skin
Messmer EM; Valet VM; Kampik A
Acta Ophthalmologica 2012; 90: e476-e481
51202 Variation in corneal hysteresis and central corneal thickness among black, hispanic and white subjects
Haseltine SJ; Pae J; Ehrlich JR; Shammas M; Radcliffe NM
Acta Ophthalmologica 2012; 90: e626-e631
51304 Steady-state levels of retinal 24S-hydroxycholesterol are maintained by glial cells intervention after elevation of intraocular pressure in the rat
Fourgeux C; Martine L; Pasquis B; Maire MA; Acar N; Creuzot-Garcher C; Bron A; Bretillon L
Acta Ophthalmologica 2012; 90: e560-e567
51330 Brain antioxidant status in a high pressure-induced rat model of glaucoma
Ferreira SM; Lerner F; Reides CG; Brunzini R; Llesuy SF
Acta Ophthalmologica 2013; 91: e64-e70
51265 Corneal thickness after overnight wear of an intraocular pressure fluctuation contact lens sensor
Freiberg FJ; Lindell J; Thederan LA; Leippi S; Shen Y; Klink T
Acta Ophthalmologica 2012; 90: e534-e539
50665 Corneal hysteresis in mucopolysaccharidosis I and VI
Fahnehjelm KT; Chen E; Winiarski J
Acta Ophthalmologica 2012; 90: 445-448
50662 Symptoms related to glaucomatous visual field abnormalities among male Japanese workers in a population-based setting
Tatemichi M; Nakano T; Hayashi T; Tanaka K; Hiro H; Miyamoto T; Aratake M; Nishinoue N; Yamazaki A; Nakadate T; Sugita M
Acta Ophthalmologica 2012; 90: 546-551
51303 Phenylephrine 5% added to Tropicamide 0.5% eye drops does not influence retinal oxygen saturation values or retinal vessel diameter in glaucoma patients
Vandewalle E; Abegão Pinto L; Olafsdottir OB; Stalmans I
Acta Ophthalmologica 2013; 91: 733-737
50661 Factors affecting ocular pulse amplitude in eyes with open angle glaucoma and glaucoma-suspect eyes
Choi J; Lee J; Park SB; Lee KS; Sung KR; Kook MS
Acta Ophthalmologica 2012; 90: 552-558
51199 Biomechanical profile of the cornea in primary congenital glaucoma
Gatzioufas Z; Labiris G; Stachs O; Hovakimyan M; Schnaidt A; Viestenz A; Käsmann-Kellner B; Seitz B
Acta Ophthalmologica 2013; 91: e29-e34
51305 Coexistence of macro- and micro-vascular abnormalities in newly diagnosed normal tension glaucoma patients
Mroczkowska S; Ekart A; Sung V; Negi A; Qin L; Patel SR; Jacob S; Atkins C; Benavente-Perez A; Gherghel D
Acta Ophthalmologica 2012; 90: e553-e559
50946 Lack of spontaneous venous pulsation: possible risk indicator in normal tension glaucoma?
Abegão Pinto L; Vandewalle E; De Clerck E; Marques-Neves C; Stalmans I
Acta Ophthalmologica 2013; 91: 514-520
51259 Power prediction for one-piece and three-piece intraocular lens implantation after cataract surgery in patients with chronic angle-closure glaucoma: a prospective, randomized clinical trial
Rhiu S; Lee ES; Kim TI; Lee HS; Kim CY
Acta Ophthalmologica 2012; 90: e580-e585
51203 Comparison of EyeCam and anterior segment optical coherence tomography in detecting angle closure
Baskaran M; Aung T; Friedman DS; Tun TA; Perera SA
Acta Ophthalmologica 2012; 90: e621-e625
50663 Corneal endothelial cells 6-7 years following cataract surgery in patients with pseudoexfoliation syndrome
Ostern AE; Drolsum L
Acta Ophthalmologica 2012; 90: 408-411
51069 Dual effect of prostaglandins on isolated intraocular porcine ciliary arteries
Kringelholt S; Simonsen U; Bek T
Acta Ophthalmologica 2013; 91: 498-504
51329 Adherence improvement in Dutch glaucoma patients: a randomized controlled trial
Beckers HJ; Webers CA; Busch MJ; Brink HM; Colen TP; Schouten JS;
Acta Ophthalmologica 2013; 91: 610-618
51026 Intravenous hypertonic saline to reduce intraocular pressure
Harju M; Kivelä T; Lindbohm N; Koivusalo R; Paloheimo M
Acta Ophthalmologica 2013; 91: 625-629
50664 Micropulse diode laser trabeculoplasty -- 180-degree treatment
Rantala E; Välimäki J
Acta Ophthalmologica 2012; 90: 441-444
51105 Clinical features of bleb-related infection: a 5-year survey in Japan
Yamamoto T; Kuwayama Y; Kano K; Sawada A; Shoji N;
Acta Ophthalmologica 2013; 91: 619-624

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