

Ophthalmic Research 5

Showing records 1 to 5 | Display all abstracts in Ophthalmic Research

27164 Associations between Gender, Ocular Parameters and Diseases: The Beijing Eye Study
Xu L; You QS; Wang YX; Jonas JB
Ophthalmic Research 2010; 45: 197-203
26951 Effects of Propofol and Isoflurane Anesthesia on the Intraocular Pressure and Hemodynamics of Pigs.
E Buehnera; U-C Pietschb; A Bringmanna; C Fojaa; P Wiedemanna; S Uhlmanna
Ophthalmic Research 2011; 45: 42-46
27162 A New Noncontact Tonometer Using Corneal Photoelasticity: Porcine Eye Study
Hwang H; Kim M; Park C
Ophthalmic Research 2010; 45: 169-173
27163 Mechanisms of retinal ganglion cell injury in aging and glaucoma
Chrysostomou V; Trounce IA; Crowston JG
Ophthalmic Research 2010; 44: 173-178
26952 Association of Strength of Religious Adherence with Attitudes regarding Glaucoma or Ocular Hypertension.
WC Stewarta; ED Sharpec; CJ Kristoffersenb; LA Nelsonb; JA Stewarta
Ophthalmic Research 2011; 45: 53-56

Issue 12-4

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