
WGA Rescources

Ophthalmic Research 2

Showing records 1 to 2 | Display all abstracts in Ophthalmic Research

11399 Investigation of the use of positron emission tomography for neuroreceptor imaging in rabbit eyes
Wang WF; Ishiwata K; Kiyosawa M; Kawamura K; Oda K; Matsuno K; Kobayashi T; Mochizuki M
Ophthalmic Research 2004; 36: 255-263
11385 Comparison of intraocular pressure measurements with the digital tonometer TGDc-01 'PRA' and the Goldmann applanation tonometer
Meyer MW; Gockeln R; Hoy L; Meyer A; Erb C
Ophthalmic Research 2004; 36: 250-254

Issue 6-3

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