

Ophthalmologica 6

Showing records 1 to 6 | Display all abstracts in Ophthalmologica

18898 The relationship between intraocular pressure and glaucoma in a defined population: data from the Egna-Neumarkt glaucoma study
Bonomi L; Marchini G; Marraffa M; Morbio R
Ophthalmologica 2001; 215: 34-38
18956 Reproducibility of nerve fiber layer thickness measurements using optical coherence tomography in silicone oil-filled eyes
Mastropasqua L; Carpineto P; Ciancaglini M; Falconio G; Harris A
Ophthalmologica 2001; 215: 91-96
18957 Comparative study of retinal nerve fiber layer loss in normal-tension glaucoma and chronic open-angle glaucoma
Matsuno K; Kurimoto Y; Umihira J; Hoya T; Yoshimura N
Ophthalmologica 2001; 215: 108-112
18987 Conversion formulas between automated-perimetry indexes as measured by two different types of instrument
Papp A; Kis K; Nemeth J
Ophthalmologica 2001; 215: 87-90
19051 Elevated nitric oxide level in aqueous humor of patients with acute angle-closure glaucoma
Chiou SH; Chang C-J; Hsu WM; Kao CL; Liu JH; Chen WL; Tsai DC; Wu CC; Chou CK
Ophthalmologica 2001; 215: 113-116
19092 Central retinal vein occlusion and nonarteritic ischemic optic neuropathy in 2 patients with mild iron deficiency anemia
Kacer B; Hattenbach LO; Hoerle S; Scharrer I; Kroll P; Koch F
Ophthalmologica 2001; 215: 128-131

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