

Ophthalmologica 6

Showing records 1 to 6 | Display all abstracts in Ophthalmologica

3394 Ocular surface changes induced by topical antiglaucoma monotherapy
Cvenkel B; Ihan A
Ophthalmologica 2002; 216: 175-179
3413 Comparison of the effectiveness of scanning laser polarimetry and optical coherence tomography for estimating optic nerve fibre layer thickness in patients with glaucoma
Furuichi M; Kashiwagi K; Furuichi Y; Tsukahara S
Ophthalmologica 2002; 216: 168-174
3421 Correlation between the retinal nerve fiber layer thickness and the pattern electroretinogram amplitude
Toffoli G; Vattovani O; Cecchini P; Pastori G; Rinaldi G; Ravalico G
Ophthalmologica 2002; 216: 159-163
3463 Pattern visual evoked cortical potentials predict postoperative visual acuity after cataract surgery in patients with glaucoma
Hanawa T; Fujimoto N; Miyauchi O; Adachi-Usami E
Ophthalmologica 2002; 216: 164-167
3528 Normal-tension glaucoma is associated with sleep apnea syndrome
Mojon DS; Hess CW; Goldblum D; Boehnke M; Koerner F; Gugger M; Bassetti C; Mathis J
Ophthalmologica 2002; 216: 180-184
3651 Deep sclerectomy with collagen implant: initial experience
Jehn AB; Bohnke M; Mojon DS
Ophthalmologica 2002; 216: 235-238

Issue 4-2

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