

Ophthalmologica 6

Showing records 1 to 6 | Display all abstracts in Ophthalmologica

9709 Association of interleukin 1 and receptor antagonist gene polymorphisms with primary open-angle glaucoma
Hui-Ju Lina; San-Chang Tsaia; Fuu-Jen Tsaib; Wen-Chi Chenb; Tsaic JJP; Cheng-Der Hsub
Ophthalmologica 2003; 217: 358-364
9776 Influence of cycloversions induced by head tilt on scanning laser polarimetry parameters
Jehna AB; Murib RM; Mojonc DS
Ophthalmologica 2003; 217: 311-314
9777 The effect of blood glucose regulation on retinal nerve fiber layer thickness in diabetic patients
Lonneville YH; Özdek EC; Önol M; Yetkin I; Gürelik G; Hasanreisolu B
Ophthalmologica 2003; 217: 347-350
9791 Pseudodoubling of the optic disc: a color Doppler imaging study
Cellini M; Alessandrini A; Bernabini B; Merlo D
Ophthalmologica 2003; 217: 370-372
9818 Long-term results of transscleral cyclophotocoagulation in refractory pediatric glaucoma patients
Autrata R; Rehurek J
Ophthalmologica 2003; 217: 393-400
9839 Phacoemulsification and intraocular lens implantation for angle closure glaucoma after the relief of pupillary block
Kubota T; Toguri I; Onizuka N; Matsuura T
Ophthalmologica 2003; 217: 325-328

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