
WGA Rescources

Ophthalmologica 4

Showing records 1 to 4 | Display all abstracts in Ophthalmologica

10413 The effects of menopause and hormone replacement therapy on quality and quantity of tear, intraocular pressure and ocular blood flow
Altintas O; Caglar Y; Yuksel N; Demirci A; Karabas L
Ophthalmologica 2004; 218: 120-129
10190 One-year follow-up of selective laser trabeculoplasty in open-angle glaucoma
Cvenkel B
Ophthalmologica 2004; 218: 20-25
10172 Cyclodestructive procedures. I. Clinical and morphological aspects: a review
Fankhauser F; Kwasniewska S; Van der Zypen E
Ophthalmologica 2004; 218: 77-95
10171 Cyclodestructive procedures. II. Optical fibers, endoscopy, physics: a review
Fankhauser F; Kwasniewska S
Ophthalmologica 2004; 218: 147-161

Issue 6-1

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